Touching Love Messages for Husband far Away

Words are not enough to describe how special it feels to marry the man of your dreams and live happily ever after.

However, if for some reason, your husband is far away, either on a trip or more of a permanent situation, now that’s a tough one.

When you miss him terribly and can’t even find the words to express yourself, we are here for you. These messages are the best to help you tell him how you feel.

Sweet Love Text Messages for Husband far Away

Constant communication would make your husband so close to you even though he is far away. These Beautiful Love Messages have been put together for you to send to him even though he is far away.

  • You were in my dreams, then I woke up but you were not by my side.
    I will give anything to have you here with me, sweetheart, I miss you.
  • And even though we are miles apart, I still find comfort that we are under the same sky.
    It doesn’t really make it any easier missing you but that’s all I have, for now, I miss you terribly and I love you even much more.
  • I would never really get used to not having you around.
    I know it’s for the best but I still wish things could be different.
    I cannot wait for your next visit, I’m missing you badly, I love you.
  • Some days, it’s easier to not miss you so much, other days, it’s just plain hard, darling hubby, to say that I miss you is an understatement but for now, that’s all I have got.
    I can’t wait for you to hold me again, I stay loving you.
  • Dear hubby of life, not having you here was not the plan but I fully understand that it has to be this way for a while, there’s not a day that goes by without me longing to be in your arms, I love you to bits.
  • It’s a good thing that we have many beautiful memories together, I keep replaying them in my head over and again.
    Sometimes it’s not enough, but it’s all I have.
    You are far away but still, in my heart, I love you, my sweet husband.
  • Hey baby, I trust you are doing great, everything I did today involved missing you.
    I still haven’t wrapped my head around the fact that you are so far away.
    My soul yearns for you, my darling husband.
    I miss you so much.
  • I miss the late night conversations we have right before we fall asleep, I miss making your meals, I promise I won’t cry anymore but it’s still so hard to live far away from you, my sweet husband.
    I hope you find time to visit asap.
  • To think that by now I should be used to you being so far away, but tell me, how can I be ok not being with my husband.
    Nothing has changed except not having you here with me.
    My whole self-misses you dear.
  • Hey babe, this is me making a lame attempt at trying not to miss you but failing woefully.
    Being far away from you is killing me but I know it has to be that way at least for now.
    I love you still and I miss you so much.

Love Message for Husband Across the Miles

See these sweet Love Messages for Husband Across the Miles.

  • Nothing can be worse than you not being here.
    I miss you every single day even when I know that it’s for the best.
    I sleep with the thoughts of you wrapping your arms around me.
    I love you so much, my darling husband.
  • My body longs for your warm touch.
    My lips yearn for yours.
    Do you really have to be so far away? If so, then when can I see you again?
    There’s not a day that goes by without your thoughts filling up my heart. I miss you so much.
  • Just the other day, I was in a room full of people and yet all I wanted was to see your face.
    I know you are far away for a good reason but I miss your handsome face and that curvy smile of yours.
    I love you endlessly, my sweet husband.
  • Hey baby, I miss you, I wish you are here holding my hands.
    There are so many things I want to say to you, I want to lay on your chest and tell you how my day went or just listen to you breathe.
    I love you so much, dear.
  • Sometimes, you only miss a person when you are alone; but in this case, my darling. I’m out with my friends, lots of laughter and fun and all I can think of is my husband being far away from me.
    I’m missing you and I’m in love with you honey.
  • Hey darling, I hope you are doing great, I have tried everything to be ok with you being far away, still, it’s not working.
    I can only miss you every day and wait for your next visit.
    I love you.
  • My heart is full of so many unsaid words, so many unexpressed thoughts and emotions waiting for you to come around.
    Darling, it’s not easy being here all by myself and I know it’s same for you.
    But I find comfort in our love for each other.
  • I still haven’t accepted the reality of you, my sweetness leaving far away from me, it’s tough but I go through each day knowing that this is only temporary.
    I can’t wait to have you around soon, I miss you so much.
  • Darling, this distance doesn’t mean much to me because I know how much love we have for each other, even though I miss your presence, I live each day knowing that I’m committed to you.
  • I just got back from work, this is the part where you should rub my feet if you were around, I miss you terribly and I hope to see you soon.
    I trust you are missing me too * insert wink emoji*.
    I love you too dear.

Message for Husband Working Abroad

These are cute Messages for Husband Working Abroad.

  • ‘Nothing lasts forever’, that’s one thing I’m certain of.
    You were far away from me is only a temporary situation, one I’m learning each day to cope with.
    It doesn’t make it any easier but I will be alright.
    I love you still and I miss you.
  • So, missing you has become my new hobby and I’m enjoying every bit of it * insert laughter emoji*.
    Darling, you are far away but always in my heart.
    I love you so much, my darling husband.
  • I find myself counting down the days until your next trip back here.
    I’m never going to be ok with you being far away but I will definitely find a way around it.
    So I will act like I don’t miss you even if you are all I’m thinking about.
  • The other day, I just sat staring at your pictures, I have been doing that a lot lately and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon.
    I just miss you and I need you around as soon as possible.
    Please do call whenever you can.
  • Sometimes, the voice and video calls are not enough.
    I miss seeing your face and analysing the news with you lol.
    I just miss my best friend too.
    I love you so much, my dear husband.
    This distance has nothing on our love.
  • I miss being a wife to my amazing husband lol, this distance is taking its toll on me but trust that you married a strong woman.
    Sending you tons of hugs and kisses for the day.
    I miss you plenty, my dear.
  • The days are tough, the nights even tougher.
    Every part of me misses you.
    Dedicating every day we are not together to becoming a better woman and wife for you.
    I trust you are doing great too.
    I love you so deeply, my darling hubby.
  • Before I sleep, I count the stars in the sky, that’s my new way of getting to sleep after the night prayers as against your comfort and cuddles.
    I believe in you and me and I trust in our love.
  • One would think that by now, that I should have gotten used to the fact that you are far away.
    But my dear hubby, every single day, there’s always a part of me that wishes to see you at the end of the day.
    I still miss you like always and I love you even more.
  • Because I miss you, I always go to bed thinking of you so that I can see you in my dreams.
    I don’t care how cheesy that sounds, I miss you so much that sometimes I cry about it.
    I would always want you, my dear husband.
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Missing My Husband Messages

Heart touching Missing My Husband Messages.

  • It’s 5 am and I haven’t had much sleep, it’s such a cold morning.
    I’m wrapped in my blankets, in everything except your arms.
    I long for the days we can sleep together again.
  • I hate eating all by myself, I hate sleeping by myself.
    I hate watching our favourite shows all by myself, these and many more, I have had to do but I do it all in love.
    You mean the world to me, dear hubby and I promise to make this work.
  • I don’t know where to begin, maybe I will start from the fact that every morning, I struggle with the zip fasteners on my clothes.
    I wish you were here to make everything easier.
    Above all, I miss sleeping next to you.
    I love you eternally, my darling hubby.
  • You owe me, yes you do.
    You owe me tons of kisses and hugs and cuddles.
    Each day, I record how many you owe me and add new ones.
    You are so going to pay, I don’t know how yet, * insert wink emoji*.
    I miss you as always.
  • I miss your voice, not the one from over the phone but your real voice, lol.
    There’s not a minute that goes by without thoughts of you crossing my mind.
    I miss you, my dear husband.
  • I knew that living far away from you was going to be a big deal, I didn’t know it was going to be a great deal.
    I thought it would get better as the days went by but the reverse is the case.
    I love you more than I love cake and you know how I feel about cakes. I miss you.
  • If I say that I’m not missing you, that’s just me lying to myself.
    I have stopped fighting it, I’m learning to love you even in your absence.
    A wife needs her husband, but for now, I will make do with the voice and video calls.
  • My sweetness, I hope you think of me as much as I think of you.
    The house is not the same without you and neither is my body.
    Still, my best thoughts and prayers are with you, I love you.
  • I miss my husband, best friend and lover.
    Even in the midst of people, my days are lonely, you can imagine how the nights are for me.
    I find solace that we are both going through this together.
    I miss you in every possible way.
  • I wish I can say that I have gotten used to not having you around but no, I cannot still say that with confidence.
    ‘tough times don’t last but tough people do’, I know how tough we are and most of all, I know how strong our bond and love is.
    I miss you, sweetheart.

Sweet Message for Long Distance Husband

Also see these Sweet Messages for Long Distance Husband.

  • I try to get the best out of this situation, having you far off has taught me to become more independent.
    Still doesn’t take away the fact that I miss my husband terribly.
    My body longs for yours too.
  • I’m so in love with you which makes you living far off a tad difficult for me.
    I can’t count how many times I have whispered ‘I miss you’ to your pictures.
    I miss you much more than I can ever express.
  • I’m pretty sure that the moon and the stars know how much I miss you right now.
    I spend time late into the night talking about how I miss my favourite man.
    It’s very therapeutic; makes me feel a whole lot better.
  • I’m incomplete right now, always going to be as long as you are far away.
    I long for you to make me whole again, lift my chin and plant a kiss on my lips.
    I’m holding on to all our beautiful memories.
  • I didn’t know that it was possible to miss someone this much.
    How else do I explain this daily longing for you?
    I keep saying, ‘ maybe it will get better tomorrow’, it never does.
    I love you so much, my dear husband.
  • When I signed up to have you live far away, I had no idea it was going to be this tough or how I was going to live with it.
    And yet, each day, I look forward to seeing you on your next trip home.
    Come to me soon, I miss you.
  • I cannot tell you how happy I get each time you have to visit, and how much I miss you the second you have to go back.
    I’m glad we are able to make this distance thing work, I love you endlessly and I miss you a whole lot.
  • Sweetheart, I cannot wait for the day you come home and you don’t have to leave ever again, but until then, I pray our love is sustained to the very core.
    Giving all my love to you over again, your best girl.
  • My heart waits for you, so does my body.
    The days doesn’t make it easy, the nights are long and lonely but my love for you is stronger than anything.
    I miss you every day.
  • Darling, I miss you so much and the funniest thing is that I don’t want to stop.
    I don’t think I can get used to not having you here with me but I can try to cope.
    You are the best part of having love in my life.

Love Greetings for Husband

Excite him with these Love Greetings for Husband.

  • Seconds feel like hours and the days feels like forever.
    It feels like my heart is empty and my body misses its touch.
    All I can do is miss you and hope that we find our way back to each other always.
  • I’m doing that thing where I say I don’t miss you much so maybe I can miss you less.
    New flash; it’s not working, I miss you more than ever.
    I wish you didn’t have to live so far away but I know better than to be selfish.
    Take great care of yourself, I love you so much.
  • And no matter how far away you are from me, there’s a part of you here with me, apart I took on our wedding day.
    It still doesn’t make it any easier living away from you but I guess I’m doing just fine.
    I hope you are too, I miss you so much.
  • There are so many new places I want to go with you, so many movies I want to watch with you.
    I choose not to say it often because I’m sure the words are tired of me but I miss you and I can’t wait to see you again.
  • Bright summer days but my heart still longs for you.
    I wish to see you soon, scratch that, I want to see you now.
    These and many more are the thoughts that go on in my head for you.
  • Even if you were at the ends of the earth, my heart beats just for you; I don’t want you to ever forget that.
    I still sleep in your shirts knowing that if things were different, I will be sleeping next to you.
  • It’s you and me till the very end. It doesn’t matter where you are as long as we love each other, that’s all I care about.
    I miss you more than I can say but I will save my thoughts until you come visiting.
    I love you so much.
  • Even from far away, you still speak to my heart, and that’s why I’m never giving up on us.
    I don’t think you can possibly imagine how much I miss you, I don’t think I can even explain it myself. I love you so much, dear.
  • It aches my heart and body not to have you here with me but I think I can get used to it.
    I don’t know how or when but I will try my best.
    Your heartbeat is still my favourite melody, I can’t wait to hear it soon.
  • I sleep and wake up with thoughts of you yet it’s not enough to make up for your absence.
    My one wish is that our love stays strong and unbreakable even with the distance.
    I miss you.
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Sweet Love SMS for Husband

Don’t hesitate to send him these Sweet Love SMS for Husband.

  • I don’t know how to miss you less and more importantly, I don’t want to learn.
    Missing you reminds me of how much love I have in my heart for you.
    You not being here doesn’t change a single thing.
  • This is a daily reminder that your place in my heart and life is irreplaceable.
    You are only absent in flesh for I think of you so much.
    I’m always going to love and need you; always.
  • Cliché or not, I miss you.
    I will keep missing you until the day we can finally be inseparable.
    I miss my companion and best friend.
    I hope you are also not getting along without me lol.
    Our love and thoughts of you keep me strong.
  • It’s so hard seeing the world for what it truly is when you are not next to me.
    The best I do is play our favourite song hoping it brings me some comfort and warms my heart.
    Still, it’s not enough but that all I have and I will take it.
    I love you very much.
  • My utmost desire is to have you here with me.
    My best thoughts and memories with you are not enough some days.
    But I would never forget that this is the best choice we have right now.
    I miss you very much.
  • Hey sweetheart, I miss you too much a little more often every other day.
    I know your being far away is in my best interest and I appreciate this sacrifice a lot.
    I love you so much.
  • You left my heart empty even though for a good reason, still doesn’t make it easy living away from you.
    In due time, I hope we can be together once again until then, let’s keep our love and light very much alive.
    I miss you, sweetheart.
  • Darling, I miss everything about you; the sound of your voice, your silly jokes and constant tease, the way you hold my hand like I’m a baby.
    I will love you like you never left and hold on to every beautiful memory our marriage has.
    I love you deeply.
  • The plan was to spend every moment of forever with you, but this is a circumstance beyond our control.
    It hurts that you live far away but I choose to channel all that pain into loving you more and more.
    Words don’t do justice to how much I miss you right now and always.
  • In my next world, I will still choose you over and over again even if you have to live far away from me.
    That’s how much I love you, I miss you together.

Love Wishes for Husband

Send these beautiful Love Wishes to your Husband.

  • Honestly, darling, you have no idea how long I stay awake at night thinking about all the beautiful memories we have (that keeps me going) or the memories I hope we will get to make.
    I bet you have no idea how much I miss you.
  • Here I am reminiscing about all the late night talks we used to have.
    I thought that being apart from you was going to be I can handle, apparently, I thought wrong.
    It doesn’t get any better but I’m getting stronger.
    Whether you are here or there, I will always love you.
  • It’s exhausting thinking of how to get over your absence so I chose to stick with missing you.
    Almost everything around here reminds me of you.
    It would be nice to have you around so come as soon as you can.
    I still love you always.
  • It’s so annoying how the days roll by whenever you visit but hours feels like years when you are gone again.
    I won’t stop caring for you, my love.
    All the love and warm kisses from your number one cheerleader.
  • Some days, I just need you to hear about all the things that happened to me, no feeling yet compares to having my darling husband around but I’m coping just fine.
  • No matter how distracting and engaging the day gets, it’s still never enough to stop me from thinking about you.
    Same way this distance doesn’t stop me from loving you.
  • As your hands can’t reach me right now, I need your mind to touch me in all the places that matter.
    Let the thoughts of me fill your heart and make you whole.
    I miss you more than ever right now.
  • I love being yours even if we are miles apart, now this doesn’t mean that I’m ok with you being so far away, it just means it doesn’t change how I feel about you.
    I’m always going to be here for you.
  • I see your face when I close my eyes, that’s why I sleep more often now lol.
    It’s nothing close to the real deal but I can’t complain, I trust you are holding up just fine too.
    I miss you so much.
  • I know you are just a phone call away, but nothing beats the feeling of seeing your face and holding your hands.
    I have never felt this sort of loneliness before.
    As much as it hurts, I have all the reason to love you more.

Love Notes for Husband

Leave these romantic Love Notes for your Husband.

  • Darling, can you tell that I don’t sleep well? I spend most nights thinking about what it would feel like to be in your arms again.
    I live for the days you will come again to visit.
    I trust you are holding up much better than me, I miss you.
  • Hey baby, so I have chosen to focus on the lessons of this distance. It isn’t easy at all but that’s all we have.
    It still hurts me so badly that you are far away, but even with the distance, my heart still beats for you.
    I love you so much, my darling husband.
  • Most evenings, I just sit and reflect on the memories we have shared together, most of them make me so happy, some get me rolling on the floor in laughter.
    You are truly my soul mate and this distance can never change that.
  • You know I love it when you tell me how much you miss me, the feeling is mutual.
    Together, we will weather this storm.
    I don’t care how far away you are, you are still right here in my heart.
  • If I get a dollar for every single time I think of you, then I’d probably be the richest woman on earth.
    I think about you all the time, I wish you were right here with me but I’m still grateful for our beautiful marriage.
    I miss you so much.
  • ‘Psychology say, when a person appears in your dreams, that person wants to see you’.
    Wow, you just want to see me so bad because I have seen you in every of my dream this past week.
    Well, news flash; I want to see you too!
  • Although you are far away, you are completely on my mind.
    I keep counting the days until you come visiting again.
    This isn’t the most ideal situation for us but I love you anyways and I miss you deeply.
  • We are two bodies apart with our hearts forever united in love and passion.
    The feeling I have for you surpasses all distance and space.
    You are my love both now and always.
  • Moments spent with you are still the best ever, I’m not a big fan of sharing moments over the phone but I guess I have to learn.
    It’s always a pleasure to hear your voice every day.
    I wish we could spend more time together, until then, I remain your loving wife lol.
  • I didn’t think that there would ever be a time where we have to live far apart from each other but I guess life happens.
    I didn’t know how much strength I had until these past few years.
    Here or far away, I will still choose you as my soul mate.
    I’m missing you.

Romantic Messages for Husband

Trending Romantic Messages for Husband.

  • At the break of dawn, I miss you.
    When the sun begins to set, I miss you.
    I miss you as the moon and the stars come out to play.
    I miss you on the rainy and cold night.
    I miss you so much.
  • I miss you more than I wish to admit, and the days seem longer as if they were mocking me.
    It’s another day without you and I’m just trying to get by.
    My day won’t be complete until I have heard your voice, call me as soon as you are free.
  • I’m done wishing you were here, I’m going to save those wishes until your next visit,* insert wink emoji*.
    Missing you heightens all my emotions and sometimes it feels like I’m going to explode.
    I love you still, my sweet husband.
  • Knowing that this is a temporal situation doesn’t make me feel any better lol.
    I love you much more than the words I say.
    I miss watching you fall asleep, I miss waking up to see your face.
  • Darling, to be honest, I know I told you that I’m ok now, but it still hurts knowing that you are so far away.
    Sometimes, the calls don’t make up for all the times I need and want you.
    I miss you so much and I love you too.
  • Life has never been and will never be the same as long as you are away but I’m learning to live with it.
    Every day is a struggle but my love for you makes it better.
    Our home is just not the same without you.
  • Baby, if only you were here on the days I need a shoulder to lean on, on the nights I need to rest on your chest.
    On the days I need the warmest hugs and deepest kisses.
    I’m not the same without you but I’m holding on to our beautiful love.
    I really do miss you.
  • Oh hey, love, I trust you are doing great, everything is not the same in your absence but trust your baby girl to be holding it down just right.
    Just sending you a random text to let you know that I miss you.
  • So many things remind me that I need you around here but oh well.
    I really do need you, I can’t help it, I miss you more than I planned to.
    I truly hope the feeling is mutual.
    Steady loving you.
  • I want to hear your voice, my love.
    So any chance you get to talk, call me.
    I’m here learning to be strong, it’s a little tough but I trust it will get better.
    I miss everything about you.
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Romantic Love Status for Husband

Freely use this Romantic Love Status for Husband.

  • We may be miles apart but I need to let you know that I’m still your biggest fan.
    You should never forget that.
    Forever sending you all my love and light always.
  • The hardest thing I have ever had to do is living away from you.
    I’m done convincing myself that I’m ok with it.
    Living away from you, my lovely husband is really hard work but our love conquers it all.
  • Day by day, month after month, year after year, it’s been a real struggle living away from you, it’s always going to be.
    I miss you in ways I cannot even begin to explain.
    Continue to take care of yourself, my love.
  • It’s bad enough that you are far away, you took my heart with you as well, I miss you so deeply and I cannot wait to see you.
    I long for your cuddles and warm hugs.
    I love you till eternity comes.
  • I wish you would come home and stay but I know that’s very selfish of me.
    I appreciate how much effort you are making to give our family a better life, it still hurts that you are not around.
  • The fact is that I’m always going to need you, all of me misses your presence.
    I realise that what I call home wasn’t the house but it was you in it.
    It’s you; you are my home and I miss you so much.
  • I miss seeing you laugh, I miss your warm hugs that last for a few minutes lol, I miss being in the same room with you because even when we have nothing to say to each other, it’s still enough. I just miss having you here next to me.
  • I had become so used to sleeping next to you so it feels strange sleeping all alone.
    Life isn’t the same without you here but I love you nonetheless.
    It feels weird not having all those late night conversations.
    I hope you are taking care of yourself though.
  • I still haven’t gotten over you not being here.
    It’s still going to take some time to accept that you have to live far away from me.
    This is by far the loneliest period of my life.
    You are still my favourite human being, always and forever.
  • A million phone calls still don’t do the magic, I’m not the same no more.
    Some days, I’m doing just fine, other days, I’m completely falling apart.
    I miss you so much, my darling husband.

Sweet Love Quotes for Husband

Generously use these Sweet Love Quotes for Husband.

  • If wishes and thoughts could bring you back home, then you will be lying next to me right now.
    My best thoughts and good wishes are always with you, my love.
    You are far away but always on my mind.
  • I know that love requires a lot of sacrifices.
    Sometimes, we have to give up things we never thought we could.
    I know that not having you around is for a greater good and so I will patiently wait until we reunite again.
    I love you more than ever.
  • I would write a longer text to let you know how I feel but I guess you already know.
    Still, I miss you so much, I think of you every day and I love you.
  • I haven’t seen you in months but there’s no day that has passed without thoughts of you occupying my mind.
    I can still hear the echoes of your heartbeat, it reminds me of the time when you were here with me; when I was completely happy.
  • I want a place and time when my dreams and wishes can become reality.
    Having you here is all I dream about but until that happens, never forget that I love you with all my heart.
  • I find comfort in the fact that despite the distance between us, our hearts still find each other and our love is more stronger than ever.
    I know you have to be far away and that’s ok.
    I miss you around here.
  • The hardest part about all of this is not being able to see you every day.
    I try to get busy with every other thing but somehow thoughts of you come creeping into my head.
    It’s not easy being away from you, my love.
    I miss you.
  • It’s me again, texting for the millionth time today, that’s how many times I have thought about you and more.
    It’s just another day and I have to be all by myself again.
    Trusting that you are doing good too.
    I love you so much.
  • Missing you and still not being able to see you is so heartbreaking.
    I just wish there was a way I could see you whenever I want.
    Not on the video calls though but see your face and kiss your lips.
    I miss you in ways I can’t describe.
  • I don’t really care how much time we spend away from each other, I just know that I’m still going to spend forever with you, my darling husband.
    My heart still and will always be yours.
  • Our souls are connected in ways distance can never break.
    Now I know for sure that our love can weather through any storm.
    Each day, my heart reminds me of how much I love you and that’s something I intend to do forever.
  • I admit I have grown a lot more fond of you since you were gone. I guess that’s what missing you has done to me.
    I still wish to have you around as often as possible.
    Well, this distance is nothing compared to what we feel for each other.
  • My love for you knows no distance, even if you were at the farthest corner of the earth, my love and heart will still be here for you.
    I know I will still be in your arms again so I will just keep waiting and missing you.
  • Your absence has taught me how to be alone even though I miss you terribly.
    At the end of each day, I give myself a pat on the back because I have gone yet another day on my own.
    I miss you still.
  • Darling, you are far off from home but on the bright side, I’m grateful to have someone I love so much enough to miss in this way and manner.
    I just wondered if you are doing alright all by yourself and I began missing you all over again.