You Will Always Have My Heart Quotes

Imagine been told by someone you love that; You Will Always Have My Heart or perhaps, you will always and forever have my heart.

That will be lovely, right?

Now, that’s how your lover will feel when you pick and send any of these You Will Always Have My Heart Quotes.

Because, it’s just like being told by someone you love so much that, “you will have my heart forever and ever” or “you will always and forever have my heart”.

So, go through them, pick and use any quote you prefer in these You Will Always Have My Heart Quotes.

You Will Forever Be in My Heart Messages and Quotes

This moment is the right time to boldly tell your lover that he/she will forever be in your heart and will always have your heart for as long as your breathe. These you will always be in my heart quotes for him or her will do.

  • I will not mind giving my all to you, even if people will say that I’m crazy, You will always have my heart.
  • People have always been telling me bad things about you since the first time they saw us together. But still, You will always have my heart.
  • Others may fall in love, opt out and do all that they may, but as for me, you have my heart now and always.
  • I may not be able to make you enjoy as you crave, due to my little income. But then, You have my heart now and always.
  • I used to take our relationship for granted as if it means nothing to me. But now, you have my heart now and always.
  • Sometimes back, I used to feel so lonely and unhappy about life and then, down to road of life, I found you. For this, you will have my heart forever and ever.
  • I will not exchange you for anything in the universe no matter how pricey or expensive it is – I kid you not. You will have my heart forever and ever.
  • I learnt that so many men came for you, but you never accepted their request or chosen to forget me. For this, you will always and forever have my heart.
  • Even though, they may remind you of the bad things I did before or even try to convince you not to have time for me. But still, I promise that you will always and forever have my heart.
  • You may think that I don’t really care for you as you want. But, the very day you take your time to think about my motive, you will always have my heart.
  • What we have is priceless, and I hope that you know that is the truth of it, my love for you will always have my heart.
  • You’ve been all that I’ve ever wanted and you are always ready to sacrifice your all for me. For that, you will always have my heart.
  • No matter where you are, always be sure that I’m always thinking of you and doing my best to make you happy too. You have my heart now and always.
  • Some people may try their best to see that they make you sad or gain your trust just to betray you later on. But for me, you have my heart now and always.
  • You were my source of comfort when things were not working for me and I was feeling so low as a failure. For that, you will have my heart forever and ever.
  • I know that you’ve been given a thousand reasons why you should not care about me, but you still do. You will have my heart forever and ever.
  • If only I could, I will tear down each and every single barrier between us just to be close to you dear. You will always and forever have my heart.
  • The very day I met you, my heart was stolen and I know that it’s you. You will always and forever have my heart.
  • No matter how much I long the night stays, I still see you in my dreams every now and then. For this, you will always have my heart.
  • In the end, whatever bad thing they tell me about you, darling. You will always have my heart.
  • Saying my heart will always be yours is an understatement, considering the part of me which you occupy. You’re the perfect life partner I know, and my whole being shall always be yours.
  • It is near impossible to have you in my life and be unhappy even for a moment. You’re one person that gives me so much joy than I can ever think of. You’re best. My whole heart will always be yours.
  • Looking at you makes me feel so blessed than anyone else can ever think. You have captured my heart, really much that there’s nothing that can ever cause me to stop loving you more. You’re the best.
  • Someone like you deserves to own my heart forever. You’re a very rare ruby that cannot be compared to anything else. You’re the best, and I love you dearly.
  • My life has become the most amazing place for me because of your existence. Looking at you makes me feel really blessed, that nothing else can ever cause me unhappiness. You’re the most amazing person I know, and you will always own my heart.
  • My whole heart belongs to you. You’re the best kind of partner I have ever wished to have. You’re the perfect being, and my heart will always belong to you.
  • Calling you mine makes me feel happier as each day passes by. You’re the best, and I will always acknowledge this. I’ll always love you because that is what you deserve.
  • Having someone as amazing as you are is quite a difficult thing in this world. You have proven beyond reasonable doubt that you’re the best partner one can ever have. I cherish you really much, and I will always hold you, dear. I love you, and I will always be yours.
  • Going through life’s journey with you makes me feel really awesome. You’re one person that has contributed so much to me than words can tell. You’re the best, and I will always appreciate it all. I love you, and you own my heart.
  • There’s nothing in this world that can cause me to be happier than your smiles. You’re my sunshine and ruby. You’re one perfect being I can’t ever wish to lose. You’re the best, and my heart will always be yours.
  • Considering the fact that there is no one else that can ever make me feel as happy as you do, I have come to confirm that you’re the best soul mate in the world to me. There’s nothing that can change the fact that I love you dearly. My heart is always going to be yours, babe.
  • In tough times, it’s only you I can be sure of confiding on without fear of being discriminated. You’re the best friend I have ever wished to have, and nothing can ever cause me to stop loving you. I heart you so much, babe.
  • Saying you’re the very person I love is an understatement to what I truly feel. There’s nothing in this world that can ever change the way I think and feel about you. You’re the perfect soul mate I have, and I can’t ever trade you for anything else. I love you so much, babe.
  • My whole heart holds you so dear than anyone can ever tell. When I look at you, I see a person that is full of so much love and care for me. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make you feel happy because you have proven to me that my own happiness is your priority. I heart you dearly, babe. My heart will always be yours.
  • My love for you surpasses whatever thing anyone may one to say. You’re the best, and I love you with all my heart. Let’s keep our love flowing because my heart will always be yours.
  • There are so many persons in the world, yet none has ever been nice to me like you. You inspire and encourage me in so many ways, and there’s nothing I can do other than to love you more. You’re the perfect better half in my life. My heart will always be yours.
  • I feel so blessed and lucky whenever I look at you. You’re the most amazing and wonderful person in my life. You’re simply the best. You’ll always own my heart.
  • Calling you mine can’t ever get out of my mind. You’re one person I confide in more than words can express. You’re just too perfect that I can’t ever leave you to work with anyone else. You’re truly the best. My heart is always yours.
  • Life had become more beautiful because of your love and care. You’re just too perfect, and I heart you dearly. Just know that my heart will always be yours.
  • Life’s journey becomes easier whenever we have good and wonderful persons, and you’re one person that has made my life a beautiful one. You’re the best, and I love you more than words can express. My heart will always be yours.
  • There’s nothing on earth that can ever stop me from loving you more. You have eaten into my being so much that I think about you on a per second basis. Nothing can ever stop me from loving you more.
  • Nothing makes me feel happier than the fact that you have always been a true soul mate and lover. Words cannot really tell how much I adore you. You’re simply the best, and I will always love you. My whole heart will always be yours.
  • Life’s journey can never be better than this without you. You have caused me to know and learn a lot of important things which I have always neglected. You’re just the perfect being. My heart will always be yours.
  • Calling you mine makes me feel so blessed. You’re the perfect soul mate I have always wished to have. You’re the best, and I will always love you. You own my heart, sweetie.
  • Saying that you are my love is an understatement of what I feel. You are one person that I can always call the love of my life. You’re just too perfect than words can tell. You own my heart forever.
  • Nothing on earth can ever make me feel better than you do. You’re just too perfect that I can’t ever think of anyone else. You have captured my whole being, and I will always hold you, dear. My whole heart is yours, babe.
  • I smile whenever I think of you because you’re the very person that owns my heart. I can’t ever go through an hour without thinking about your love. You’re truly the best, sweetie.
  • If I had my way, I will make us have this beautiful relationship even in the next world to come. There’s nothing that can ever be able to paint the depth of my love for you. You’re simply the best.
  • Whenever I look at you, I see blessings overloaded. You’re one sweet bunch of a person that I can’t ever imagine to lose. You’re one person that has captured the most important and special part of my heart. You’re the best. I’ll always love you, sweetie.
  • Nothing makes me feel better than your love does. Nothing makes me feel happier than your smile. You give me so much joy and hope that exceeds word’s ability to express. You’re simply the best. I will always love you, sweetie.
  • There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to let you know how much I love you. You’re the most amazing person I have ever called mine. Whenever I think about you, I see a person that gives me the best support and love. You’ll always own my heart, sweetheart.
  • Going through life’s journey with you makes me feel really blessed than words can tell. You’re one human being that I love from the very depth of my heart. Whenever I look at you, I see more than enough reasons to love you more. You own my whole heart, babe.
  • There’s nothing I wouldn’t do to prove my love for you. You’re the most amazing human being I know. You’re the best, and nothing can ever stop me from loving you more. I heart you so much, hunnie.
  • My whole heart holds you dearly than words can tell. You’re the perfect human I know, and there’s nothing I wouldn’t do to make you know how much you mean to me. I love you from the depth of my heart, dear. And you’ll always own my heart.
  • Life with you is the most amazing thing I have ever had. You make me feel really blessed than words can tell. You’re the best, and I will always love you with everything I have.
  • The love I have for you cannot be compared to anything. Whenever I look into your eyes, I see more than enough reasons to love you even more. You’re the perfect being in the world to me. I heart you really much, and my heart will always be yours.
  • The love I have for you can never be compared to anything else that exist. You’re the most amazing and perfect human I know. Whenever I look at you, I see more than enough reasons to call you mine. You’re truly the best.
  • Life’s journey has become so beautiful and awesome because of your love and care. You’re just too perfect than words can ever tell. You’re truly the best, and I appreciate you really much. You will always own my heart.
  • There’s nothing in life that is better than having a partner that gives so much peace of mind as you give to me. You’re really amazing, and there’s nothing that can ever take my heart away from you. I love you.
  • Sincerely, there’s nothing on earth I would ever do without considering what we share. You’re really an amazing person, and you have succeeded in capturing every special part of my being. I heart you really much, and I will always do.
  • Life’s journey is the best with your love and care, and that’s what I so much respect about you. I can’t ever imagine going through a single hour without you, because you’re all that causes my happiness. You’re lovely, and I will always be yours.
  • Whenever I look at you, I see more than enough reasons to love you more. You’re one person that I adore from the very depth of my heart, and I can’t ever wish to lose the beautiful things we’ve come to share in common. I love you dearly, and my heart will always belong to you.
  • Life’s journey gets better and brighter with your stay. You have touched me in many areas that no one else will ever succeed to do. You’re an amazing person, and I love you with everything that I have. You’re the best, sweetie.
  • I go through life’s journey smiling, and that’s because I know that I have a wonderful person like you. You’re really the perfect person I have ever wished to have, and nothing can ever cause me to stop loving you. You’re the best, sweetie.
  • I know one thing for sure, that nothing can ever cause me to change the love I have for you. You’re truly the best human I have ever met on earth, and nothing can ever cause me to stop loving you. I heart you really much.
  • No one can ever have an encounter with you and remains thesame way. You are one person that affects a lot of things about a person, and your positive impacts have contributed so much in making me the person I am today. I love you really much, dear. You’ll always own my heart.
  • Nothing makes me feel better than your love does. You’re simply the best, and I love you from the most sincere part of my heart. You’re the best.
  • Calling you mine makes me feel like the most blesses person in the world. Truly, you mean so much to me than mere words can express. You’re simply the best, and I can’t stop loving you. You own my heart, and you will always do.
  • In this phase of life, you have affected so much about me that there’s nothing I can do without your contributions. You own a very big and important part of me, and you will always do. I heart you really much, hunnie.
  • Going through life’s journey with you makes me feel really blessed. You’re the very person that knows me better than anyone else does, and I will continue to love you with everything I have. I heart you really much, and I will always do.
  • You have become a very special part of my heart, so much that there’s nothing I can do without thinking about you. You’re one person I love really much, and nothing can ever change it. My heart will always be yours, sugar. I love you.
  • There’s really nothing that can stop me from loving you more. You have come to be a very important and vital part of my being. You have impacted so much in me than words can tell. You’re truly the best. You’ll always have my heart, sweetie.
  • Life’s journey has become an awesome one because of how wonderful you are. You’re really one person I can’t ever go a day without thinking about. You’re the perfect life partner I have always wished to have, and I will always love you really much. My heart will always be yours.
  • When I look at you, I see more than enough reasons to love you more. You’re one person that occupies the most special part of my heart, and there’s actually nothing that will stop me from loving you more. You’re the best, and you’ll always own my heart.
  • Life’s journey has become really beautiful because of your presence. You have caused me so much happiness that I can tell. For everything, I say thank you even as I love you more. My heart is yours, and will always be.
  • When I think about all we go through together, I see more than a thousand reasons to love you more. Amongst everyone I know, you’re the very best. I heart you dearly.
  • We have come so far together that nothing can ever stop me from loving you more. You’re the very perfect person in my life, and I will keep loving you above everything. I heart you really much.
  • Life’s journey is the best, and that’s because of your presence. I heart you really much, and nothing can ever stop me from loving you more. My whole heart will always be yours.
  • There are so many special things about you which words cannot say. You’re really an amazing person, and there’s no how I can help other than loving you more. You’re truly the best.
  • You’re the best, and I love you really much. I’ll always be yours now and in time to come.
  • Loving you is one thing I can’t stop doing. You have really eaten up the most special parts of my heart, and nothing will ever stop me from loving you really much. I heart you so much, babe.
  • Going by judgment on what love is, you are the very person that has taught me about it. You’re one person that has shown me so much love than I deserve. You’re truly the best one can ever find.
  • I go through each day smiling, and that’s because of your love and care for me. You’re truly the best, and I will keep loving you as often as I can. I heart you, babe.
  • When we look at each other, I feel so much fire that burns above human comprehension. You’re really awesome, and my heart will always be yours.
  • Nothing can ever cause me to love you less. You’re one person I have always dreamt to have in my life, and it’s my decision to give you my heart forever. I heart you so much, babe.
  • Life is just too beautiful with you. You’re an amazing person that I can’t ever wish to let go of. You’re truly the best. I love you really much.
  • Life is the best with you. You’re truly one person that gives me so much joy than words can tell. I heart you really much, and I will always do.
  • Going through life’s journey with you is one of the best things that have happened to me so far. You’re really amazing than words can tell. You’re the best, and I love you for everything.
  • I can’t ever go through an hour without thinking about the beauty of what we share. I really love you from the depth of my heart, and I will always do.
  • My whole heart is yours, and will always be. There’s nothing that makes me feel better than knowing that the very person I love loves me more. You’re just too awesome, sweetie.
  • Life’s journey is just too beautiful with your stay here. You have really taught me the things no one else could ever teach me. You have touched the most amazing parts of my life, and this only helps me to love you even more. As we go through this journey together, always know that you own my whole heart, and nothing can be compared to the beauty of what my heart holds for you. I love you, sweetie.
  • There’s nothing on earth that can ever stop me from loving you more. You’re the most perfect person in my life, and my whole heart will always beat for you. I love you.
  • Going through life’s journey with you makes everything really awesome for me. You’re the perfect life partner I have always prayed to have in my life. You’re my heartbeat. I love you now and I’ll always do even in the future.
  • You own so much about my heart, that I find it difficult to believe that I will be able to go through life’s journey without you. You’re the best, and that’s all I have always wished to have. You’re the most amazing person in my heart, and you’ll always have my love.
  • There’s truly nothing on earth that can ever stop me from loving you as much as I do. You occupy a very special place in my heart, and there’s nothing to do other than loving you even more. You’re truly the best.
  • Life’s journey is truly amazing for me, and that’s because of your love and care. You mean so much to me, that word can be able to express it all. You’re just the best human I have ever been opportune to call mine. I heart you really much.
  • I go through each day smiling, and that’s because I know there are a lot of things about you that are very rare to other humans. You are really special, and I feel blessed to call you mine. I’ll always heart you, sweetie.
  • Even though at the moment, we do not have the best relationship we wish to have, it is true that we have a beautiful relationship, and that’s all we seek to be happy. You’re the better part of my being, and I can’t help but love you more. My whole heart will always be yours.
  • Life has become really good and beautiful because of you. Words alone cannot paint the depth of love which I have come to feel for you. You’re just too sweet than anyone else can ever think, and I promise to always give you the best part of my heart. I love you really much.
  • Loving you is one of the most amazing things I have ever done. You have proven to me that truly, there exists a thing that should be called true love. You’re the most real human I know, and you deserve to be loved forever. I’ll always heart you, sweetie.
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Your lover having the knowledge that your heart will always be his or hers brings so much confidence and trust in the relationship.

This trust births the manifestation of so much goodness, relaxation, and even more love in your relationship.

Assure your loved ones that your heart will always be theirs, and give them the desired confidence they deserve.

Thank you for your time.

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