You Hurt Me But I Still Love You Quotes

People hurt people knowingly and unknowingly. So someone could hurt you without knowing and become truly remorseful. Some discover your value and the value of your friendship after they have betrayed you and become truly loyal after they have hurt you.

Forgiving is worth every trouble even when you no longer want the relationship.

Here are messages that can help you offer forgiveness to anyone who hurt you especially one who you still dearly and deeply love.

Though You You Hurt Me I Still Love You Quotes

Heart touching words to say Though You You Hurt Me I Still Love You.

  • I may have been terrible but you always remind of my past and always hurt but I forgive you. I love you so.
  • You have been like a beast to me but I forgive you because I love you
  • You only remind me of my own weakness and shortcomings any time I feel hurt by you. You hurt me but I still love you.
  • As your lover, my forgiveness is your entitlement. I forgive you from my heart. I still love you.
  • It is much too difficult to forgive you but it is much more worth it because I love you, so I forgive you.
  • My love for you is so much, I can not hold any grudge against you. I love you so I forgive you.
  • Before you commit it, my love for you has already forgiven you without any record of any wrong. You hurt me but my love for you remains.
  • For every wrong you commit against me, I take responsibility because if I didn’t love you, you won’t get the chance to hurt me so badly but I forgive you as I still love you.
  • It takes bravery for you to hurt me so badly every time but much more bravery to accept my forgiveness. You know I love you right? I have forgiven you.
  • I feel betrayed because I trusted you but I forgive you because I love you and my love for you can trust you again.
  • By forgiving you I protect my vulnerabilities and show you my powerful self because I let you into my vulnerabilities and you betrayed it.
  • My love for you crushes all the wrongs you do against me. I forgive you
  • You hurt me but I forgive you, my love. Forgive yourself so we can move forward.
  • I forgive you as you not only hurt me but ”us” hurting yourself in the process. You hurt you more when you offend me because you betray your own heart.
  • I won’t let you destroy my trust in people so I forgive you because I love you.
  • If I don’t forgive you, I betray you and I don’t want to because you betrayed me and I know how it feels to be betrayed. I love you still even though you hurt me.
  • I want to be your heart because you broke mine and I know yours is a broken one and only the person whose heart you broke can repair yours.
  • Loving you purified my heart and there is no space for resentment any longer just love. I love you still even though you hurt me.
  • You hurt me by not giving me the love I deserve but I forgive you because I love you still.
  • Even though you hurt me, I still love you and I forgive you because my heart is capable of forgiving you.
  • My heart is ready to love you and the only way to do so is to forgive every hurt you cause me and let go every offence.
  • Even though you hurt me, I still love you so I forgive you in order for me to be alright, happy, and contented.
  • It takes a lot of courage to forgive and a lot more to ask for forgiveness so even though you hurt me, I forgive you because you ask and I still love you.
  • You hurt me but your offence did not reduce your value so I forgive you. I love you.
  • Part of me is angry with you but the whole of me has forgiven you because I love you
  • Your mistake/offence doesn’t make me perfect and so I know I am also capable of hurting someone so I forgive you.
  • Refusing to forgive you doesn’t make you any worse. It will only show my ugly side, so I forgive you.
  • You gave me one reason to be hurt but I found many more reasons to forgive you. I still love you
  • I forgive you even before you offend me so even though you hurt me, I still love you
  • You don’t have to feel worthless because you hurt me. I love you still so I forgive you.
  • I appreciate every detail of what you are going through so I forgive you. Even though you hurt me.
  • I forgive you because you are a changed person now. What you did is not who you are. That person is in the past. I love the person you are now.
  • What you did in the past no longer counts. What is important is who you are now. Even though you had hurt me I forgive you.
  • I forgive you for not backing off like a coward even though you hurt me. You owned up to your responsibility like a real man. Don’t forget that I still love you.
  • I’m afraid that you don’t love me anymore since you hurt me but I forgive you and I mean it because my words are all that I have now. I love you still.
  • You hurt me but it is really not your fault so I forgive you.
  • You taught me selfless and unconditional love and I forgive you forever making me feel hurt because I love you unconditionally.
  • Loving you is my life, forgiving your wrong gives me fulfilment. I love you, my love because I love you so much and you are my life.
  • You hurt me but I love you still because you are me and I’m you. I can only forgive me if I hurt me so I forgive you.
  • Much as I try not to forgive you, I realize that I will hurt myself more if I don’t forgive you. I love to forgive you.
  • I forgive because I love you to the extent that I have no life without you in it. Please remain in my life. I love you.
  • My love for you is more than words can frame so the one way to show it is to forgive you even though I am badly hurt. I forgive you.
  • I will be unfair if I don’t accept your apology because I still love you so even though you hurt me.
  • The repentance in your eyes and soul was more than a soothing balm to the hurt. I forgive you. Please come and soothe my pain.
  • I love you and I am helpless without having to forgive you. I love you because you are bold enough to ask for forgiveness.
  • You hurt me so badly but I still love you and I’m begging you to accept my forgiveness.
  • Thank you for being so remorseful, please don’t be too hard on yourself to harm yourself. I forgive you. I love you.
  • Every wrong thing you do every day creates a space between us and will one day break us if I don’t forgive you. I forgive you because I love you.
  • I won’t let naysayers be happy about us so I forgive you because I love you still.
  • Let me love you, let me forgive you, let my forgiveness heal you even as you hurt yourself in the process of hurting me. I love you still.
  • The more your hurt try to remove my trust in you from my mind, the more my forgiveness of you makes things right and restores the trust. I love you even though you hurt me.
  • Even though you hurt me, I still love you so that I can forget the hurt of the past and move forward into a glorious future with you.
  • You don’t appreciate and love yourself enough that is why you find it difficult to accept my forgiveness. I still love you so I forgive you.
  • You deserve every right to be happy, to be forgiven because we all make mistakes so I forgive you because I love you.
  • Forgiveness is a two-way thing. I forgive you, you are free, I am free.
    I love your forgiveness.
  • I forgive you so that I too can be forgiven even though you hurt me so. I love you.
  • You hurt me but I still love you and I forgive you because I have the mind of Christ and I have the power to forgive you just like him so I exercise the power to forgive you. I forgive you this minute.
  • You hurt me but I still love you because, with you, there is peace of mind in forgiveness.
  • Even though I rebel against God, he forgives me even before I sin so I forgive you even though I am badly hurt.
  • I decided to forgive you and not be ashamed of it because I love you.
  • I’m so angry and Confused that you hurt me and I don’t know what to do, so I took a decision to forgive you and the anger is now assuaged. I still love you.
  • Even though you hurt me, I still love you and forgive you because my love for you recognizes no hurt. I love you.
  • You hurt me but I still love you because loving you is the best decision I can ever make for us. I forgive you.
  • Hurting me is a mistake you made as a result of my not loving you enough and so I forgive you because you will not hurt me on purpose.
  • I forgive you because if I don’t, I will suffer hurt the second time in my heart as I can not wait for you to cure the hurt but cure it myself.
  • You hurt me and you are the only one who can heal my hurt so I forgive you to give you the chance to heal me. I still love you.
  • I forgive you because I don’t care what people think is impossible. I still love you even though you hurt me.
  • You hurt me and I know you will ruin yourself if you are not forgiven and I am ruined if you are. You hurt me but I forgive you.
  • You hurt me, you see it as a betrayal but I see it as a mistake. I forgive you because I love you.
  • Because you hurt me does not mean I no longer love you. I forgive you.
  • I love and care for you so much, I can not change that fact because you betrayed me. I forgive you.
  • I forgive you because I forgive myself for hurting every person that I have ever hurt. I still love you.
  • You hurt me but I still love you, I love you, I still do. I forgive you.
  • It is because I love you so much that I feel so hurt that you betrayed me so I forgive you to let go of the betrayal and hurt.
  • Whatever you believe in, believes in you too. I believe you and I want you to believe in me so I forgive you even though you hurt me.
  • If I don’t forgive you, I don’t stop hurting so I choose to forgive you so I can stop hurting because I love you so much.
  • I want to trust you again so I start by forgiving you because if I don’t, I won’t even trust you again.
  • I didn’t deserve to be hurt but you deserve to be forgiven. I forgive you because I still love you.
  • Betrayal from a loved one is painful but more painful is the betrayal of oneself. If I don’t forgive you, I betray myself. I still love you, so I forgive you.
  • You hurt me but I still love you and I forgive you because the betrayal has only helped me cut off from me what I don’t need and embraced the sense
  • I feel betrayed but the real betrayal is not forgiving myself and the best way to forgive myself is to forgive you so forgive you.
  • You hurt me badly and I can not do that to you but what I can do to you is forgive you because I love you.
  • If you know how much pain your action caused me, you won’t want to cause me that much pain no matter what so I forgive you.
  • I forgive you because I know the real value of friendship and so I understand the importance of forgiveness in a relationship. I forgive you, my love.
  • You may no longer love me so that can explain why you hurt me but I dare to love again after being hurt so I love you even more now and forgive you completely.
  • You hurt me so much by what you say but your actions suggest that you want to soothe my hurt and love me forever. I forgive you.
  • I forgive you because I don’t see the bad in you, I only see the good. I love you.
  • I have held onto the hurt you caused me for far too long and I have to let it go. I forgive you, I let every hurt go.
  • You hurt me but I still love you so I forgive you and let the hurt go because if I hold onto it, it will hurt me and cause me harm.
  • You hurt me so much but I still love you and I feel much better now because I know who exactly you are. I love you.
  • You hurt me but I still love you because there is no right way to deal with hurt rather than to let it go so I forgive you.
  • You hurt me but I still love you even though I can not control how much you love me and stay loyal to me. I forgive you.
  • When someone is hurt, the best decision is to let go of either the hurt or the person who caused the hurt. Since I still love you so much, I choose to let the hurt go.
  • I feel sad that I don’t mean as much as to you as you mean to me so you hurt me but I forgive you for the love that I have for you.
  • You hurt me but I still love you so I will forgive you. I forgive you for myself, not for you.
  • You hurt me but I still love you so I forgive you because that is past and I don’t want to dwell on it.
  • You hurt me but I still love you so I forgive you. I forgive you more so because I still love me.
  • My love for you knows no wrong. My love for you counts no hurt. You hurt me but I forgive you.
  • You hurt me but I still love you. I trust you not to hurt me again so I forgive you.
  • I love me more now that you have hurt me because I learnt to place more value on myself so I forgive you.
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