Everyone has that one person in their lives that personifies the word amazing, whether that person knows it or not. Sometimes, we lack the words to tell them how amazing they are.
If you ever find yourself short of words to tell that amazing person in your life how amazing they are, here are some quotes you can borrow to do just that!
You Are Such An Amazing Person Messages
Do you feel like making a lovely declaration of how awesome someone is to you? Then there are cute you’re an amazing being to me and the world at large, you can send to that person that makes a point of duty to surprise you now and always.
- God must have thought of you when He created the stars because you shine just as brightly. But you are not one of the thousands in the sky; you are the sole ruler of a peculiar domain. You are an amazing woman.
- You are strong. It doesn’t take a show of muscles to prove it. It shows in your awesomeness; your tenacity, in the face of doubt and drought. You are amazing—never doubt that.
- You are always there, never absent or failing from your high position of grace and awesomeness. Though the storms rage and the world sickens all the more, you remain amazing.
- God did a perfect job in creating you, with the way he crafted your heart and personality. I thank Him for you because you add your “amazingness” to my life daily.
- You’re beautiful in and out. These little pressures and uncanny words of people have nothing on you. You keep expressing just how amazing you are in every little thing you do.
- You care like a mother; guide like a responsible father; give happiness like young, restless siblings; but mostly, you love like the amazing person you are.
- Your smile is as bright as your person…even brighter—Pardon me. But then your smile and person is “you”; so there’s no competition. Nothing can compete anyway, because you are just too amazing.
- I don’t know what I would do with all the awesomeness you pour into my life by just being a friend, but then, you overwhelm me. No, I am not complaining… I am lucky to have such an amazing being as you in my life.
- My parents love you so much…I can’t blame them. You are like the smell of rain after a hot, dry day. More so, you are like the feel of a duvet on an extremely cold night. You are just amazing enough for every need of you.
- I don’t know how you do what you do, but I am a die-hard fan. You don’t need to be a celebrity before I have a crush… You are my celebrity, and I crush on your amazing person.
- These days, my mind rarely leaves the realm where you are. It’s like it wants to seep all it can like you will disappear someday or something. I can’t blame the mind though; being amazing must be a covetable virtue.
- I have seen the way you care for people…the way you almost care for the whole big world itself, and it thrills me so much, that I want to kneel before you and tell you to place your hand on me and transfer something to me…anything. You are simply amazing!
- The grace with which you speak and care and love…I don’t think its kind can ever be matched across the universe. And…nope, I am not exaggerating. Your very face screams “amazing!” when I look at you.
- God bless your momma and papa for giving the world the privilege to bask in your aura for as long as you will thread its roads and space. The world is lucky to have such an amazing being.
- Again, I say, your parents must have done something good to be the channels through which God blessed the world with your amazing personality. Definitely, they didn’t steal meats from their parents’ pots…I am sure they didn’t.
- You are an amazing person. I know that circumstances and all can make you start doubting that and yourself, but then, how amazing you are shows in how long you have lived even amidst the difficulties.
- You are just too amazing, darling… I wonder why every furniture in your house doesn’t sing that to you when you pass by them daily. You are a rare one, dear…too rare to be ignored and not eulogized constantly.
- You don’t have to feel shy and ashamed when people tell you just how amazing you are. They have seen, and therefore they speak. Please don’t blame them, and please bask in the praises of who you are once in a while.
- You’ve touched lives, and that’s why what you have inside can never die out, for it keeps shining brighter as you give out. Some folks never die…they just never cannot, though the flesh screams “human!” You are one of such, with how amazing you are and all.
- We know God took his time with us humans, but for you, I think He sat within intervals and thought of more creative ways to make you an awesomely amazing person. Well, He succeeded… He always does, anyway.
- You are indescribable sometimes; the way you just go about being nothing but amazing. The great personality you have just falls from you and touches everything like raindrops. I get so wet with all that falls on me continuously.
- Do you do it intentionally, or it just happens? No, I need to ask because I have to be sure how one person can just exude awesomeness without trying so hard. You are truly amazing…scrap the answer I am looking for.
- I watch what you do, and the only thing keeping me from being jealous and stealing you from “you” is just the fact that I realize life is not wishes and horses. You work so much to be this amazing being you are; I don’t think I can carry do so much so effortlessly the way you do it.
- That person that jilted you and got you down for weeks is definitely a fellow that escaped from some mental clinic somewhere because I am yet to understand what dunce sees gold and throws it away. Anyway, the fella couldn’t take away your soul…you still rock “amazing” as a pair of Denim jeans, daily.
- Your hashtag “I am amazing” screams wordlessly from your person every day you walk the earth. You don’t know why people look at you more than they should… It’s not the makeup or the hair or the boobs—it’s the soul.
- If the pressures of life would lean back and permit, I would give anything to wake you up daily with songs of how grace and mercy drop from you and follow you because of how amazing your soul is… If life would let, I would never leave your amazing bedside.
- You look more radiant as the days go by. I realized why a while ago—you do so much great stuff that your face can’t help but acclimatize to just how amazing you are on the inside…so, daily, you show the world different realms of beauty.
- Please do not ever change from this amazing person you are now. I know you won’t anyway, but for good measure, let me just say why. The world needs more awesome people like you…so please, never deplete this number of “endangered species” by changing.
- You taught me almost everything I know. You did it all without being boastful or snobbish or proud…you did it like a god, watching over its affairs of sacred duty. You taught me carefully like an egg and moulded me skilfully like clay. You are amazing…not a letter short!
- What can I do to say “thank you” for the awesome face you bestow upon me by just existing? What can the world do to reward you for being so amazing? Maybe time would tell, but for now, just know you rock.
- A million tongues will not be enough to eulogize you for how much of a human in need and indeed you are. You are so amazing in the way you carry people and things under your feathers like the mother hen… You let nothing slip away…you hold us all in.
- You remember that year I felt like I was finished and the world didn’t make meaning anymore? It was you who held me on and helped me to be strong. In your amazing way, you helped sustain my life… I would ever be grateful.
- Mother asks of you daily, like you are my sibling or something and I am somewhat of your keeper—yes, she loves you that much. But then, she is getting the order all wrong; you keep me more than I keep you. You do that by being just amazing.
- I see your angelic face in every reflection and hear your kind words in every voice now, as though we are a couple or something. But then, I know my spirit is just in love with yours, and how calm, loving and amazing it is.
- On your birthday, I almost didn’t know what to gift you, because I realized whatever I had to give can’t match what you already have—the gift of being so amazing. I brought something anyway, and the way your eyes lit up at the sight was a gift to me.
- What does one give or say or do to a person like you to make a lasting impression? You have everything by just being amazing in that awesome way you have. How much of a sacrifice can one give an over-worthy god?
- The cliché song talks of roses being red, and violets being blue, and sugar being sweet, and blah blah blah… But all of that, put together, shaken and running over cannot measure up to how amazing you are and will always be, long after the song is forgotten. People like you never die, I say.
- Your aura is more captivating than the presence of a loved celebrity, and your soul’s sweet smell lasts longer than the sun’s years… This would pass away and that would fade away, but your awesomeness will remain. You are just too amazing to be fleeting.
- I think I will name one of my children after you—I heard somehow it gets a particular attribute replicated. I will pray and fast that it is your “amazingness” that is transferred…I would love him/her to touch the world, one finger at a time like you are doing.
- Things change in this world. Loyalties switch; positions change, and feelings along with them. But I don’t think I have seen too many things as consistent as your amazing personality. Some kinds of changelessness can be a virtue, I bet.
- You are amazing, dearie. I will shout it to the top of the roof of your house till they echo back in your ears and you stop seeing yourself as anything less. Believe me—I speak no lies… At least, not usually.
- Hard and soft; hot and warm; rigid and flexible…a little of this here and a little of that there, everything balanced—nothing compromising or jeopardizing the other—that’s just how I see your amazing attitude… You are so balanced; I could eat you for my weight loss program.
- I love you from my heart because you helped me live above mediocrity by just watching the things you do. I don’t know what goes on when doors are closed and it’s just you and your spirit, but I want to thank you for bringing your soul out to the world’s tea party daily.
- You are special, and just as amazing. What you do for people around you is a testament to that. You are just so great a person that I am sure a hundred people dream about you and your awesomeness nightly. Don’t worry; that shouldn’t scare you.
- Everyone that has ever come in contact with you is lucky because you are quite a rare commodity. The world’s demand for your kind is high, but like harvesters in the vineyard, supply is drastically low. So for anyone who has seen how amazing you are, a heavenly came through.
- For all you’ve done and been to many, I say thank you. Most of all, for continually being amazing in the face of trouble, not necessarily because you are being watched or whatever, but because you know the value of doing good consistently.
- Sitting in the dark and thinking about you…not in an erotic, unnecessary fashion, but in an awe-striking way that leaves me smiling to myself and wondering what kind of material God used for your heart. You are just too amazing and extraordinary.
- God, Himself will not forgive me if I ever stop telling you of how you’ve touched and changed my life in so many different ways. I owe you so much and have so little to pay with, that my prayers consist of you mostly—it is the least I can do for impacting my life so amazingly.
- Nothing will ever be enough for all you’ve given and given of you till I sometimes fear you have been drained of all fluid in your soul. You are so amazing that you reach out without thinking to take stock. And you never run dry, anyway…awesome people never run dry.
- And so, for fun, awesomeness, happiness, courage and many more you’ve bestowed knowingly and knowingly, the earth can never thank you enough. I want to believe it rotates for you some days—nothing is too magnificent and fantastic to say “thank you” for being you…
- There is no legend that can accurately describe your awesomeness. You bring light and warmth to everything that you touch. I’m so glad to know you, dear. You’re an amazing woman.
- The most beautiful rose pales in comparison to you. You are sweetness and warmth. You make me feel like the world’s greatest person, when in fact, you are the world’s greatest person. You’re an amazing woman, don’t ever forget that.
- The deepest friendships that people refer to as ‘goals’ have nothing on what you and I share. You’re my anchor in rough seas. You’re the wind in my sails. You fill my life with ‘amazing’ in different flavors. You are my amazing friend, for all time.
- Who can find a man as amazing as you? Nobody, that’s who. You are amazing, darling, and no one can take that away from you.
- Have I told you how amazing you are? I intend to let you know that every day for the rest of our lives. You’re an amazing man, and I’m honored to have you in my life.
- There are times I’ve thought of how amazing you are and I’d run out of compliments to shower upon you even in my thoughts. You’re amazing and I’m glad I know you.
- Over the past few years since I’ve known you, you’ve grown to be my favorite person on earth. You’re always positively influencing me. You’re amazing, dear.
- It doesn’t take a birthday to celebrate people, especially people who are as amazing as you are. You’re a bundle of joy. Thank you for being you, darling.
- Friends go and new friends come, but life remains. You defied this and you’ve remained in my life even when others left. You’re an amazing person and I’m proud of you.
- It doesn’t take a prophet to know why you’re loved by all. You’ve got an amazing spirit. You truly love and care for those around you and you’re not shy about letting us know. You’re truly amazing!
- There are different categories of people in life and the best are the ones who cherish you for who you are. You are one of those. You don’t have a bad word for anyone. You understand. You’re amazing!
- No one will give up on humanity with someone as amazing as you in their lives. I am positive I would have given up too but for you. You’re always there. Thank you.
- It is said that it is through character the best people on earth are known. Before I met you, o believed it was impossible to be flawless. With you here now, I’m a believer. You’re amazing!
- Life is only a bed of thorns without amazing people around. With you beside me, roses have grown out of thorns and life is no longer a shore. You’re amazing!
- I meet hundreds of people every year and I’ve never met anyone as patient as you. How do you manage to be patient with me despite my flaws? You’re absolutely amazing! You’re unreal!
- You’re the closest thing to a good spirit in the flesh. You’re the picture of perfection. Love and care can naturally be seen written all over your face. You’re an amazing person. I celebrate you!
- There are few times I enjoy true peace apart from the times when I’m with you. Your calm spreads to everyone around you and it’s amazing. You are amazing!
- In a room filled with people, you’d be sure to stand out. Your integrity defines you and is evident to all in all you do. You’re an amazing person. Please keep being you.
- You’re a dependable person. Any project can be handed to you and I’ll be sure it will be filled with excellent work. You stand out from the crowd. You are amazing!
- There should be an international day to recognize and celebrate amazing people. You deserve it. Each of your actions are directed to bring about an improvement of everything around you. You’re a rare, amazing person.
- The world is filled with all kinds of people— the ugly, the bad, the good and then there’s you. Words to qualify you perfectly do not exist. I will make do with this and say you’re amazing!
- There is so much ugliness around the world. Sometimes, we pray and wish there is even little good to make up for the bad. In my life, you’re that good. You make everything appear amazing because you are amazing.
- The day I met you is one I’ll always look upon with smiles and a joyful heart. The day I met you, bliss came into my world and my life took a turn for the better.
- I have a million thoughts right now and a million more words jumping at me to feature in this. Meeting you when I did was a blessing and it’s one I’ll always be thankful for. You’re amazing!
- I see complaints on social media about how no one is to be trusted. Those times are bittersweet moments. Sweet because I met you. Bitter because I wish they could. You’re amazing!
- You’re the most awesome person I know. You say things as they are and you’re quick to ensure there’s happiness in the lives of all around you. You’re amazing!
- I want to write a text with an acrostic of your name but there’s no ‘A’ in it and ‘amazing’ must feature in this. You’re the most amazing person I know and I can’t stop saying it. Thank you.
- With amazing people in one’s life, it is easier to be thankful all the time. All it takes is a thought of you and I’m thankful our paths crossed. I’m thankful for every experience we’ve had. Thank you. You’re amazing!
- Have you ever a storm coming so fast and you’re sure there’s no way you’re escaping this and suddenly everywhere is still. That is what you represent to me. You brought light to my darkness. You’re amazing.
- Hey dear. You know, I realized today that peace of mind far exceeds anything. With toxic people in my life, I was always a wreck. Now with you in my life, I feel complete. You’re amazing!
- I was looking to create a word to qualify you with, out of an anagram of your name but so far, none of the words has spelt A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. You’re amazing!
- Reading things like ‘you’re the sun in my world’ online always drew laughter from me. I never believed them. Now, after meeting you, I want to see them again and acknowledge they’re true. You’re amazing!
- The future looks great. I have you. With no one else have I been this confident that anything is possible. Now, I’m firmly positive that with you in my life, I can do anything. Thank you. You’re amazing!
- Coming into my life when you did was like trudging through the desert for long without water then suddenly finding one. You’re my lifeline. I love you. You’re amazing.
- So I told a couple of friends about you and they’re assured no one exists who is as amazing as I’ve made you sound. I understand. Before I met you, I believed the same. You’re awesome, love. You’re amazing!
- Today, I thought: What could be better than winning a lottery? I didn’t have to think for long. Thoughts of you flooded my heart like blood pumping casually. You’re an amazing person.
- Your voice is music to my soul. Your opinions are words to live by. Your quotes will ring through eternity. You are an amazing person.
- Knowing you has taught me a few things. One of them is that the world isn’t such a bad place. It is only shaped by those we meet. Meeting you has made earth feel like paradise. You’re amazing!
- Did you know my mood and outlook on life used to vary depending on the season? Weird, maybe, but I just want you to know since I met, it no longer matters what season it is. You’ve made life amazing.
- Wow! I finally got my thoughts wrapped around why you’re such an amazing person. Your passion for life drives you and you don’t put a hold on it. You just keep at bettering lives. You’re awesome!
- Sometimes, we never know if our casual prayers are answered. With you, I am sure one has been answered. I prayed for the most amazing person on earth to walk into my life. Here you are. Thank you.
- I’ve known you a long time and not once have you let me down. Struggling with that myself, I know just how hard it is. How you manage it, I can’t tell. What I can say though is You Are Amazing!
- I was the Titanic, about to hit the iceberg that would make me fall apart and you came into my life. Sometimes, I still find it hard to believe. It feels like a dream but you’re here for real. You’re amazing!
- You’re my magic. You’re the spark in my life making me glow all the time. People don’t understand it. Even I don’t understand how you’re so amazing. Thanks for being my magic.
- Growing up, I was told to choose my friends wisely to have amazing friends. I’m not sure I listened. Still, the most amazing person came into my life. Am I lucky or what? You are amazing!
- You’re the Rizzoli to my Isles. A more badass duo can’t be found. You sprinkle your own special brand of magic on everything, and I can’t tell you how much I love that. You give me so much joy, darling. You’re simply amazing.
- Like sprinkles on ice-cream, you make my life sweeter. No one compares to you, my love. You’re an amazing woman.
- Amazing is the only word I think of whenever someone asks me to describe you. You’re a grand prize, and I’m happy you gave me your heart. You’re an amazing, woman.
- I wanted to write a short story about you, but I decided not to because I didn’t know how to compress your awesomeness into just a few words. You’re so amazing that a trilogy would be too short to describe you. You are by far my favorite person.
- I would like to serenade you. But what song would I sing to the most amazing person I know? You are so amazing that songs have to be written specifically for you, my love.