Thank You Messages for Colleagues & Appreciation Note

Are you looking for messages to appreciate your colleagues? Worry not. These appreciation messages for colleagues or coworkers listed below will help you express your gratitude for their support, help and encouragement. Here we have listed a good number of funny messages too that will express the sweet bond you share with them also the sweet friendship between you and your colleagues. If you are looking for messages to show appreciation for gifts they give you, there is a number of them that will definitely make their hearts melt with love. Furthermore, you may write thank you messages or notes to show thankfulness towards all the favors that they did to you as you were working together. And if you have lost farewell wording for expressing your sorrows towards your colleagues you may send the messages listed below when they leaving the job.

Thank You Messages for Colleagues

You have always moved forward to help me through thick and thin situations of my work life. Thank you for always being there.

Being new in this unknown city and working with strangers wouldn’t have been easy, if you were not there. Thank you for making my work life easier.

Being friends with you is what I always want to hold on to, work would have never been fun without you. Thank you, mate.

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The effort you do to make my every birthday special together will all of the members of office makes me cry tears of joy. Thank you for making me feel special.

During my absence due to being ill you completed my work to help me, I will never forget your humbleness. Thank you, mate.

The number of times I thank you to show gratitude towards your uncountable favors would be less.

Thank You Messages for Colleagues When Leaving a Job

I will miss your support that has always been my strength for tackling all the workloads. Thank you for your support.

The love that I received from all the office workers is because your words always boosted my confidence. I will miss you. Thank you for your sayings.

I will miss all the cheerful moments that we shared in the canteen of our office, thank you for making my time in the office happy.

I was alone without my family in this unknown city, thank you for making me feel like home, will miss your companionship badly.

Keep visiting me sometimes, we hold a lot more special bond apart from being colleagues. I will miss you. Thank you for always being there.

The number social sites are huge, make sure you always keep in touch, buddy. Thank you for being friends with me.

Appreciation Messages for a Colleague

I appreciate how you have helped me get through all the hurdles of work pressure. Always stay by my side.

Showing tones of appreciation would never be enough for the favors that you did to me. I will keep your kindness always in my heart.

I appreciate your companionship that has helped to reach the position I am in today. I shall always cherish our companionship lifelong.

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I appreciate all your sayings that have inspired and motivated me to work harder. Thank you for your guidance.

I will always appreciate the love that you have given me, that has helped to stay away from my family during hours of work.

I appreciate from the core of my heart, how you have provided me loan during my hard times. I will never forget your kindness.

Thank You Messages to Coworkers for a Gift

Thanking for such a beautiful gift does not seem enough, but I wish to show you gratitude from the core of my heart.

Never thought I am so special to you, thank you for the gift, my eyes are gleaming with joy.

Such a beautiful gift from you has really overwhelmed me. Thank you for such a pleasant surprise.

That were the most delicious chocolates I ever devoured. Thanks a lot for such a wonderful surprise.

I will cherish our friendship lifelong. Thank you for such a special gift.

Nothing other than such a special gift from you could have made my day better. Thanking you in tons would not be enough.

Funny Thank you Messages for Colleagues

You have saved me a number of times from facing the wrath of our boss. Thank you for saving me.

I don’t have any idea what would have been my condition if you were not there to handle all the mess that I make. Thank you for taking care of me.

You scold me like a big brother for all the silly errors I make. Thank you for taking care of me like my elder.

I would have starved out of hunger but thank you for always sharing your food.

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I am sorry I gulp down your whole tiffin sometimes, but what to do you make it so yummy. Thank you for the delicious food.

You have saved my butt from getting kicked a number of my times. Thank you for being my life savior.

You may use the messages above to thank them on their birthdays which will definitely overwhelm them. The messages can also be used as the description of pictures that you post on Instagram or Facebook with your colleagues.