Heartfelt You Are My Blessing Quotes

Once upon a time, the arrival of a stellar individual into your world blessed every sphere of your life much more than you could have ever imagined in your ordinary mind.

The love, the privilege and the beautiful things of life the presence of that individual has bestowed upon you should never be paid back with a silence that reflects ingratitude and indifference whilst you simply bask in the blessings they bequeath you. Now is the perfect moment to voice it out.

Let them know you appreciate who they are to you and every single role they’ve played in your life.

These beautiful You Are My Blessing Quotes have been laced with romance that would make it difficult for the hardest at heart not to fall even deeper for you.

So, seize the day and grab these beautiful quotes while you make the most of it. It’s time you let that special someone know how blessed you are just by having them in your life.

You’re My Life’s Blessings Quotes for Him or Her

Now is the time to tell your lover how he or she has been the treasure that you sought in love. It’s time to let your boyfriend or girlfriend know that they’re your life’s blessings and your dream come true. Use these you’re my blessings quotes for him or her. You can also send them to your husband or wife.

  • No one blesses me more than the way you do. You’re my blessing, sweety.
  • It’s a blessing to wake up into your warm embrace and be surrounded by your love.
  • I’ll adore every blessing that comes through you, for you’re an angel of inestimable value.
  • Just a gaze from you and my whole world is blessed within a moment.
  • My love, my life changed because your arrival blessed me more than I could have ever imagined.
  • From the crown of your head to the sole of your foot, you’re immersed in blessing.
  • Just a glance at you, my world would never remain the same, for you’re my blessing.
  • Through you, my life has been blessed to the uttermost. I’ll never forget this.
  • You shine bright like a diamond and more effervescent than the burning sun. You’re a blessing to me.
  • Every joyful step you take blesses my life, cause it leads you to me from sunrise to sunset.
  • I’ll give my whole world to you, for you’re the lucky charm that brings blessings my way.
  • You’re the goodness and blessings that follow me around.
  • Baby, a kiss from you to me blesses my world than the heartfelt prayer of a Priest.
  • You’re the channel of blessing that brought peace and glory to my world. I love you, babe.
  • You’ll always be a blessing to me and when you’re not, I’ll love you still.
  • I’ll be more than happy and satisfied to look into your eyes for my whole life. You’re such a blessing to me.
  • God bless the day I met you, cause it brought me untold joy and happiness.
  • You inspire me to bless others when you bless me with the kiss of your lips.
  • A beautiful smile from you makes my life perfect and admirable. My love, you’re blessed.
  • The enemies grow weary when you are with me, for they are not ignorant of the blessing you are to me.
  • You look stunning every day of your life. You’re a blessing sent from heaven.
  • If I drain myself out, I’ll never be empty, cause you’re the source of my blessing that’ll never run dry.
  • What more can I ask for when I have my greatest source of blessing with me.
  • I count your support and faithfulness to me as numerous blessings whilst your love is immeasurable.
  • I’ll give you my world for without a doubt, you’ll make me whole again. You’re a blessing to me.
  • Heaven opened over me when you became the love of my life. Your love has blessed me than the power of a king.
  • I’ll lay my life down for you, cause you’re a blessing that is worth keeping.
  • Having you in my heart has blessed my soul even before I met you.
  • Your kisses never turned sour, because your love is ever true and a blessing to me.
  • If you were the only blessing in my life, I’d be satisfied cause you’d be enough.
  • A word of prayer from your mouth fixes my life than the decree of a powerful man. You’re the blessing I know.
  • I bring you the best of gifts whenever I travel far and wide because you’ve been the secret behind my blessings.
  • You blessed my life beyond imagination when you said, “yes” to me. I love you, babe.
  • My troubles take flight once I set my eyes upon you. You’re the blessing that turns things around in my favour.
  • If I could die in your arms, it would be a blessing to me for you’re my angel of love.
  • I’m fulfilled just by loving you, cause it blesses my soul than the melody from a skilled pianist.
  • I’ll sing you a song for the rest of my life, cause no one else ever blessed me this much.
  • You run through my mind every blessed moment. You’re the one I need to be made whole.
  • I’m destined for greatness since I found love in your bosom. Bless me the more even with your vows.
  • I love you much more than I can find words to say. However, in a nutshell, you’re a blessing for me.
  • Heaven blessed me the most when they approved of our unending love.
  • Because of you, it rains blessings all around me, my love.
  • I owe you so much, for you’re the reason why I am more than blessed.
  • You’re an embodiment of blessings, yet you remain humble. You’re so beautiful.
  • When I touched you, I found a blessing I could never let go.
  • I’ll make you smile for the rest of your life, for you are the blessing I’ve been waiting for.
  • Let’s ride together till eternity, for your love blesses my soul and lifts me up than a joyful song.
  • I’ll throw a party in your honour, for you’re a blessing that deserves to be celebrated.
  • The stars and all the galaxies are not as blessed as you are, for you rule over them all with your perfect beauty.
  • Angels split with envy when they count your blessings, my love.
  • Your sweet kisses bless my day. For the rest of my life, I want to have you by my side.
  • A partner like you is worth the many treasures of an island. Hard to let you go, cause you’re my blessing.
  • I see your worth and I promise to treat you right, for because of you, I am so blessed.
  • Like a lucky charm, your hugs amass goodness to me and your caresses are rainbows upon my skin promising many blessings to come.
  • From the beginning till now, I feel blessed by your presence in my life. I’ll reverence you all of my days.
  • It’s such a great blessing to share a home with you and even a name with you, my darling.
  • You’re my blessing in the midst of life’s worries and unforeseen evil.
  • Take all of my heart, cause you deserve it. For you’ve given me great joy and peace flowing from heaven’s bosom.
  • Now I know I’m blessed, for I have a patient woman by my side who’s ready to go all the way with me.
  • I’ve been looked upon with favor, for I have a man like you ready to go all the way with me in the path that I have chosen.
  • You’ve taken away sadness and grief, and every new day, you give me new joy. What a blessing you are to me!
  • It’s unimaginable, how a blessing like you can find me. You must be an answered prayer, my love.
  • The gaze of your eyes turn curses into blessings and the steps of your feet ooze the joy I need to live.
  • You’re a blessing, for when the sun takes away its shine and the stars their beauty, you bring to me life, my darling.
  • You’ve provided me with unconditional love, washed away my pain with unexpected kisses whilst I looked away.
  • Every moment of my life, I spend in delight and ecstasy, for heaven has blessed me with you.
  • As long as you take pleasure in me, I’ll dance to the song in which your heart sings, for you’re my blessing all lifelong.
  • While you never know it, your presence has changed me and your words are blessings to me.
  • These warm waters of love flowing through the corners of my heart spring joy and peace. That you have given to me without anything in return. You are my blessing, my love.
  • Your words have given me breakthrough and have become a lamp to my feet in the thickest darkness.
  • You do your best to make me happy. You go out of your way to see my dreams come true. You’re my angel, cause many blessings have you brought to me.
  • You never let me go even when the turbulent breezes blow and the sea rages, it is always your choice to hold on to me. How else can I pay back your undying love, sweetheart?
  • Your smiles are a blessing to me and with great satisfaction, I’ll watch you all day long.
  • Your fragrance is my lucky charm. Hug me the more, so we’ll smell as one, my love.
  • Your hands are comforting and a walk with you is bliss unending. You’re my angel on earth, sweetheart.
  • My heart skips in joy when my eyes behold you, my lips cannot help but smile once I see you coming close to me.
  • Your voice is my weakness and your character is a blessing to me.
  • I’ll trade nothing else for you. Cause I’d rather have you than have many others. You’re my blessing, my love.
  • I’ll sing your favorite song to you whilst you’re asleep, for it is the least I could do for the one who blesses me.
  • Your kisses have brought testimony to me, and your love has hindered troubles from me.
  • I do not ask for a perfect world, an imperfect world do I desire with you by my side, for you’re all the blessing I need.
  • I shudder to think a world without you; gloomy and deserted it’d be, for you’re a blessing to me.
  • I cry no more, cause in you, I’ve found a river of joy.
  • I’m hungry for your kisses in the morning and I thirst for your caresses at night. All of you bring great blessings to me.
  • I’ll sing for joy every morning, cause I’ve found the one in whose arms I’m willing to dwell.
  • There’s a way you’ve loved me that no one else can, there are blessings you’ve bestowed upon me that’ll never die down.
  • Your footprint is love as your hands continue to give without refrain. You’re a blessing to me, sweetheart.
  • Colorful world have you built with me. Unbelievable joy is what I’ve found in you, my love.
  • I know not the pain of grief, for your outstretched arms have shielded me from every hurt and sorrow. I do not doubt how much of a blessing you’re to me, my love.
  • Guess why I’m all over you, your fragrance gives joy and your smile invokes praises. You’re a blessing to me all day long.
  • I’ll please your heart, cause out of it flows the joy I feel and the love that I desire relentlessly.
  • I have no regrets loving you, for the blessings you bring into my world is like the diversity of the ocean life.
  • You beautify my world like a colorful butterfly, you bless my heart with the way that you sing.
  • Through your eyes, I see the beauty of life. Your smile is a conduit through which I have joy.
  • Never again would I be poor, cause you’ve amassed great blessings into my bosom.
  • You belong to the breed of the angels, cause you bless my day every morning with just a single thought of you.
  • Blessed am I because I have found a faithful man. I’m so glad that you love me, my love.
  • I’m lost in the beauty of your eyes. When I look through your soul, I just want to stick around, for you’ve caused me much gain, my love.
  • My mouth would sing of your praise, cause you bless me with love no matter the weather.
  • You’ve lifted me out of the dungeon of solitude, you’ve placed me in the core of your heart, unlike others. You’re a great blessing to me, darling.
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Have a blessed day, my friend.