Good Morning My Beautiful Wife Messages and Quotes

Are you far away or near? Every woman needs to feel respected and loved and you, her husband should be the first to respect and love her.

Whether the weather is warm or cold, whether you’re comfortable or not, never allow a morning pass without wishing your beautiful wife a good morning.

Knowing that communication is important in every relationship, we’ve been able to provide you with awesome text messages to use to achieve this.

Good Morning Wife Texts

Sweet and Romantic Text Messages to Say Good Morning My Beautiful Wife.

  • The first blessing of every morning to me is you, my beautiful wife. Nothing can replace that. Good morning.
  • All I need for this morning is not money, cars or houses. All I need this morning is just you. Good morning.
  • One beautiful thing is that since the day we became one, there’s been just bliss and happiness and no regrets. Good morning.
  • Beauty has a lot of beautiful decisions but the most profound definition of beauty is you. Good morning, my beautiful wife.
  • One thing I had never seen before I met you was true love, but I have enjoyed that since the day we became one. Good morning.
  • They can mess with everything I have and own, but the day they mess with you is the day they’ll see my red side. Good morning.
  • I can control a lot of things, but I doubt if I will ever be able to control how much I love you. Good morning.
  • The things I don’t understand about you are still among the things that increase my love for you. Good morning.
  • If it is within my means, I’ll take you to the moon and back every day, and take our haters to the sun. Good morning.
  • Good morning to the first part of me. Your beauty makes the world wonder if you’re real. I love you.
  • Every morning, my love for you increases. Every day, I keep having more reasons to love you more. Good morning.
  • I can die for you, but if I die, who will be here to love you like I do? I know you can die for me too, but please, don’t. Good morning.
  • You are the one that has made us proud by giving us beautiful children. Thanks for being a lovely mother and wife. Good morning.
  • Even if you stop loving me today, the love you have given to me in the past is enough to keep me forever. Good morning.
  • You’re the only one I love the way I love and the only one I will ever. If you leave me, I won’t replace you, I’ll remain alone forever. Good morning.
  • Let people say whatever they want to say about you but all that matters to me is what you have shown me. Good morning.
  • Good morning, love. The best mornings are spent with you. Any other morning feels like a night to me.
  • Good morning, sweetie. For the support you’ve given this family and for keeping the home peaceful, I celebrate you.
  • Love is best defined as what you and I feel for each other. I don’t care about any other definition. Good morning.
  • Sometimes, I wonder if God gave all the love he has for you. I wonder if he still has any love left in him. Good morning.

Good Morning My Beautiful Wife Quotes

Best Good Morning My Beautiful Wife Quotes to make her have the best of the day.

  • Nothing on earth can be compared to waking up by the side of the most lovely wife on earth. Good morning.
  • Good morning, my dear wife. Your beauty is like that of heaven as described in the Bible. So bright and lovely and irresistible.
  • Good morning, love. Your sweetness beats that of honey and your beauty that of flowers. Every morning, they both get better.
  • Sweetheart, good morning. I like a lot of things about you but I think I like your heart the most.
  • You have such a big heart that it carries everyone in it, whether they deserve love or not. Good morning.
  • It’s easy to want to be with you but it’s very very hard to want to spend some time away from you. Good morning.
  • One thing I desire is that you stay with me forever and never have a reason to think to go away. Good morning.
  • Your beauty surpasses that of Solomon’s Palace and the whole of Russia cannot accommodate the number of people that agree with me. Good morning.
  • If I’m asked to choose between a vacation in Dubai or a boring vacation with you, I’ll choose the later and never change my mind. Good morning.
  • The beauty of our relationship is that we are committed to each other for life. And we know it. Good morning.
  • Question: What do I want most in a relationship? Me: You! Good morning.
  • There’s something I feel in the air when I’m around you. It’s the feeling that screams of love and bliss. Good morning.
  • There’s something that makes me come to where I’ll find you. Its the drive to love and be loved. Good morning.
  • I hope this text really wishes you a good morning and drives away everything that can ruin your day. Good morning.
  • I can spit Spotify and do YouTubes every morning on a channel just dedicated to you, but that won’t be enough to show I love you. Good morning.
  • While rappers love Sway In The Morning and others love other morning shows, I live just You In The Morning. Good morning.
  • Who deserves the best shower of love and adoration? Who deserves to be the face of love if not you? Good morning.
  • If you were a religion, my devotion will be to you and you alone. I’ll be a monotheist. Good morning, my love.
  • The only regret I have is that I met you after I had had a series of heartbreaks. But you healed them all. Good morning.
  • If I had met you one year before I met you, I can’t imagine how great I would have become by now. Good morning.

Good Morning Messages for Wife

Sweet and romantic good morning messages for your wife to wake up to.

  • I wonder how you cope with us on earth because your awesomeness is that of one in the 22nd century. Good morning.
  • There’s a way you lead me through. It is always the right one and I’ll recommend it to anyone. Good morning.
  • I love your legs, eyes, nose, hands, ears, stomach, heart, soul, mind, spirit, everything. I love everything that’s yours. Good morning.
  • Instead of listening to awesome Operas and hot Billboard songs, I rather listen to your voice. Good morning.
  • Having you is enough. I can celebrate you for the rest of my life, having a different reason for each celebration. Good morning.
  • Lately, I’ve been thinking of making you feel like every day is your birthday because you deserve it. Good morning.
  • I pray your morning is filled with life, love, joy and bliss and everything you do in it is perfected. Good morning.
  • The best music and best talk I’ll ever hear is not from the best radio station, but from you. Good morning.
  • There is no one like you, none that I know of. You are special and unique, not just in your own way. Good morning.
  • I am here for you, sworn to love you forever and ever. To defend your honour and dignity. Good morning.
  • In my mind and in truth, you are the dearest to me, the closest to my heart and I love you. Good morning.
  • This morning increases the number of days I’ve been in a home of true and undying love. Tomorrow will. Good morning.
  • Why will I look for another like you when you have every good thing I need in a woman. You are not only complete by yourself, you complete me. Good morning.
  • You are my number one priority and there’s nothing I will not do for you. Have a great morning. Good morning.
  • Waking up to see you is like a proof of dreams coming true to me. I dream about you almost every night, darling. Good morning.
  • The best days are those that begin with me seeing you in the morning. That just makes the day awesome. Good morning.
  • Anything that plans to come between us should just forget attempting the impossible. Good morning.
  • You’re so sweet, you are sugar that not only I can appreciate. You’re sweeter than honey and money. Good morning.
  • Like I listen to old music and still feel the melody, so I still enjoy your melody after being with you for this long. Good morning.
  • If they call a woman the best wife and she’s not like you, we’ll know they are lying. You are the one true wife. Good morning.
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Sweet and Romantic Good Morning My Lovely Wife Wishes Quotes. Good morning wishes quotes for your beautiful wife to wake up to.

  • Everything can go wrong, but with you by my side, I have hope and faith in the future. You give me hope. Good morning.
  • The more days we spend together, the more my love for you grows. I keep getting lovely things I never bargained for. Good morning.
  • One day, we’ll both be gone, but even that day, God will still decide to keep us together, like we’re a couple of all time. Good morning.
  • There’s a day coming when everyone will understand why we love ourselves so much, then they’ll stop talking. Good morning.
  • My love for you grows as fast as an annual crop, and when we get to the perennial period, they’ll still be a long way for the love to grow. Good morning.
  • How do you decide who the best person in your life is? I don’t need to decide. I know who it is. It is you. Good morning.
  • Every other woman is just a woman to me. You’re the one that has got me captured in your heart and mind. Good morning.
  • There’s nothing as good as being with an awesome person as beautiful as you are. I’m blessed beyond lucky to have you. Good morning.
  • If I am to become a woman, I’ll become you, because I like to be the best in whatever o want to be. Good morning.
  • I couldn’t wait for us to get married. Now we are married and every good thing I expected is what I enjoy. No regrets. Good morning.
  • There’s a way you make me feel, a way I don’t feel with anyone that’s not you. You are special to me. Good morning.
  • The blessing of the morning for me is that I wake up by your side (or you by mine). That makes my day. Good morning.
  • There is no other thing I’ll do in place of loving you and there’s nothing I’ll receive in place of being loved by you. Good morning.
  • The way you wake me up is romantic and beautifully amazing, something only you can do. You deserve every love I can have for you. Good morning.
  • If my heart becomes a city today, I’ll rig the elections for you to be the mayor of it, but no need, you’ll still win. Good morning.
  • Let them take everything I’ve built away from more, but see how I’ll survive if they leave you with me. Good morning.
  • There’s a lot that I am now and will be that would not have had a chance to be if you had not come into my life. Good morning.
  • If I just start saying how I feel about you, poets will mistake me for being a bigger poet, so I’ll just hold the words for now and say Good Morning.
  • You and I have been as one, are one and will be as one and that’s a truth I can’t dispute. Good morning.
  • Love has not left me empty handed and I know it will not leave you so. Keep loving dear. I love you. Good morning.

Sweet Good Morning to My Wife Quotes

Sweet Good Morning to My Wife Quotes and wishes to send to her eraly in the morning.

  • Every morning, I get ready to have the best day of my life and I do this because you are my wife. Good morning.
  • They may say one plus one is still one, but I don’t agree because together, we do more than one can do. Good morning.
  • You’re making me think you’re a God like Jesus because of the way you love me selflessly and unconditionally. Good morning.
  • Sure thing, if someone tells me that you love me. But I need to check the source if someone says otherwise. Good morning.
  • No matter who you are or where you’re from you need love, and that’s what I’ve found in you. Good morning.
  • I want to be free because I want to be with you. I want to be rich so I can take care of you. Good morning.
  • The way you are is the best definition of amazing. I knew this but every day I get surer and surer. Good morning.
  • Sometimes, I feel like I should quit my job and make taking care of you my fulltime job because you’re worth it. Good morning.
  • No one deserves more love than you. The way you love others makes them get lost in it. Good morning.
  • If this is the way you have chosen to love me, then I’ll submit to it because I love it. Good morning.
  • Like a soldier, I’ll always guard you and like farmers, I’ll always feed you. I’m simply devoted to you. Good morning.
  • I’ll forget what the signs and symbols try to tell me. I know you live me and nothing can dispute that. Good morning.
  • Whether I get children from you or not, I’m satisfied with you. You are one that plays the role of a million. Good morning.
  • I would have been swimming in regret and self-pity if I had not married you. Thanks for accepting to be mine. Good morning.
  • I would readily go on rags to have you dressed like a queen. I’ll be one to honour you forever. Good morning.
  • I hardly remember how it was before I met you. Your sweetness overwhelms all those memories. Good morning.
  • We are the best team I’ve ever seen in my many days and years on earth. We’re more than a 5-and-6. Good morning.
  • The only person that can compete favourably with you in beauty and awesomeness is yourself. Good morning.
  • Good morning to the love of, not just my life but, my eternity. We’re here to stay, together, forever, and thereafter. Good morning.
  • There are times when I don’t want to wake up because being in the same bed with you feels like heaven to me. Good morning.

Romantic Good Morning Messages to My Wife

Romantic Good Morning Messages to My Wife to make her feel specially loved. Romantic good morning messages to your wife.

  • Waking up to the reality that you’re mine is so thrilling that I never want it to end. You make my mornings brighter and my day better. Good morning, my love.
  • Since you are mine, I am assured of a blissful life. I feel like I should shut out the world and have only you in my life right now. Good morning, sweetheart.
  • No time spent with you is a bad one. If you ask me, I’ll say I hate missing you because it makes me feel like I’m having bad times. Good morning, my baby.
  • Everything will fade, but not my love for you, not how much I’m willing to do for you, not my desire to wake up to see your lovely face. Good morning, babe.
  • No matter how much I dream of you, I still want to see you in real life. To me, nothing can replace having you to feel. Good morning, my sweetheart.
  • Even if earth becomes unconducive for a living, as long as you’re here, earth will be my most loved place. I wish you a fun-filled day. Good morning, my girl.
  • Even till the time that you’re old and grey, I’ll still love you the same and still crave to have you by me. Plus, I believe you are all I need to have an awesome day. Good morning, darling.
  • All the times we’ve been together and I have not, cannot and will not grow weary of you. You are just perfect for me. Good morning, my wife.
  • You may say you have flaws, but I disagree because I see what you call flaws as what makes your awesomeness complete. Good morning, sweetheart.
  • With all you’ve been to me, I’ll never dream of a life without you. I hope your mornings are filled with more goodies than you can handle. Good morning, my love.
  • How beautiful it is to have you in my life. You have so much awesomeness that I’m never bored. With you, life is a ride of fun. Good morning, my sweetheart.
  • One thing I wish for you is that your days are exciting and that they end with good rewards for you. And that you get the best from every day. Good morning, sweetheart.
  • There’s no morning that’s as good as those that we spend together. If it’s possible, then all my mornings will be like that. Good morning, darling.
  • Thanks to his God we’re together. Now, I can leave for work with an assurance of success and walk into the day as I own it because you’re by me. Good morning, baby girl.
  • I’m on your side. I’ll always be by you no matter how good or bad the day is. I just want you to smile this morning and know that I got you. Good morning, darling.
  • Sometimes, I feel like I’m in a polygamous marriage because you have the awesomeness of many people. You deserve the best of every morning. Good morning.
  • Sometimes, all I want to do when I wake up is just to sing of how much I love you and shower you with praises for the rest of the day. But you deserve more than that. Good morning, honey.
  • When I look at you, I feel good about myself. Since I had you, I’ve wondered how I managed to win the heart of the strongest and most beautiful woman in the universe. Good morning, love.
  • I don’t mind living five hundred more years on earth if death is going to part us. I’ll miss you in whatever life waits for us after death. Good morning, my heart.
  • To the one who owns my heart, I send this message of love, so she’ll know that, wherever she is, my heart beats for her. Good morning, dearie.
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Good Morning Text Messages for My Wife

Sweet and Romantic Good Morning Text Messages for My Wife. Best of good morning text messages to your beautiful wife.

  • Once upon a time, I dreamed of mornings where I’ll find more love than I can handle. With you, I have more than that. Good morning, my dear.
  • Before anything happens today, I want you to know that I love you and wish you the best of today. May your day progresses beautifully and may you nor find regrets in it. Good morning, darling.
  • It’s so sweet to know that you’re mine. Now, I can gamble all my life savings on the fact that I’ll have a reason to smile for as long as you live. Good morning to you, precious one.
  • It’s just amazing how one person can brighten your days without end. You are that one person to me and I’m thankful to God and you for it. Good morning, my darling.
  • Maybe one day you’ll understand why I keep showering you with praises. Maybe one day you’ll understand why I can’t stop taking risks for you. You mean a lot to me. Good morning, my wife.
  • With you by my side, I am the most loved person on earth. Together, we can be anything good. My mornings with you are sweeter than honey. Good morning, my honey.
  • You give me reasons to rejoice, reasons to love, reasons to live. A day with you is 24 hours of a blissful life. You are my angel. Good morning, my sweetheart.
  • I woke up today to the truth that no other couple can make me jealous, and I have you to thank for it. I don’t want to go a day without you. Good morning, my heart.
  • From the day I said “I do”, I’ve been a beneficiary of the best that marriage can offer to any human. You make me believe that God has good plans for marriages. Good morning, my love.
  • With you, I’m going greater and greater. My prayers are filled with thanksgiving — thanking God for you. I pray your mornings are brighter than the brightest you’ve had in the past. Good morning, dearie.
  • Every day with you is filled with love. I think love is the best thing anyone can get, so the best days I have are those shared with you. Good morning to the one I love.
  • I’m not ashamed to be your hero. Every good thing I’ve done for you, I’ll readily do them again. You in my life is all I want as long as I’m on earth. Good morning, darling.
  • A good dream without you is incomplete and so are my mornings without you. Your light makes my morning brighter and your voice is music in it. Good morning to you, my dear wife.
  • I’m amazed that you have flesh and blood. Someone as awesome as you should have something more than the human body. I love you. Good morning to you, darling.
  • It’s not easy to go a day without you. That’s why I want to see you every morning, so I’ll be fine in case we don’t see at night. Good morning, baby.
  • When I wake to see your face, it feels like Christmas. The happiness I get having you in my mornings cannot be doubled by anything. Good morning, sweetheart.
  • There’s no way I’ll prefer to have another person in my mornings apart from you. The way you light up my life is so amazing I can’t run from it. Good morning to you, my sweetheart.
  • From mornings to evenings and back to mornings, I can’t stop thinking about you. Thank you for being in my life and for being my wife. Good morning to you, darling.
  • Because of your awesomeness, I want to see you every morning, so you can light up my day and set me up for successes. Good morning, sweetie.
  • Life is sweeter with people like you in it. Marriages are more awesome with partners like you. Mornings are best shared with a person like you. Good morning, darling.

Beautiful Good Morning Wishes to Wife

Best collection of Beautiful Good Morning Wishes to Wife. The best of beautiful good morning wishes for your sweet wife to wake up to.

  • Every day will be brighter if everyone leaves homes where love is shown to them properly if they have someone like you at home. Good morning, my baby.
  • From the way I see it, I’ll miss breakfast to spend the morning with you. You are one necessary person needed for me to have a great day. Good morning, my sweetheart.
  • They said you start conquering the day in the morning, so I send this text so you’ll know that I’m with you from now till the day ends. Good morning, my love.
  • No one, among all I’ve read about, all I’ve seen and all I know, has what it takes to make my mornings as beautiful as you make them. Good morning, my baby.
  • One of my biggest dreams came true when I found you. So I trust that my dreams for the day can come true too. I love you. Good morning, my love.
  • I never want to be put in a situation where I won’t have to see your face in the morning. I think you are God’s way of sending blessings to my day. Good morning, baby.
  • I want to create a poem that I’ll recite for you every morning, but I wonder how long it will last because your awesomeness will make me edit the poem every day. Good morning, my heart.
  • For the rest of my life, I’ll be grateful to have you in my mornings, because the strength I draw from your presence is necessary for me to have a great day. Good morning, baby.
  • I’ve come across a lot of people and none I’ve met ever came close to beautifying my day as much as you. I’m grateful to you. Good morning, my darling.
  • Yesterday, I missed you so much that all I want to do from today till death do us part is to hold you in my arms. But since we both have work to do, I’ll control myself. Good morning, my love.
  • Perfection is built in you, and you maximize it. You offer so many answers to me that I consider you indispensable. You’re perfect for me. Good morning, my heart.
  • Family with you is awesome. I prefer it to anything else earth can offer. I wanna be with you and I don’t care about the consequences. Good morning, babe.
  • May every step you take today lead you into a blessing and may the whole day put together be a complete package of awesomeness. Good morning, dearie.
  • You have introduced me into a life where the mornings are awesome, the afternoons are beautiful and the evenings are desirable. Good morning to you, my baby.
  • Nature can keep every other thing. I don’t care since I have you. Are you not the one who made me look forward to new days and their beginnings? Good morning, my love.
  • I may stay quiet and play shy, but that does not mean you make my mornings less interesting. Truth is I don’t know how mornings without you are and I don’t want to know. Good morning, my babe.
  • I always miss the times spent with you because of his exciting they are. You know they are very profitable for me. God put you on earth to make my life sweeter, among many other things. Good morning, dear.
  • You’re eternally worthy of my love. You’re worthy of the greatest sacrifices I can make. One big gain I have on earth is you. Good morning, baby.
  • I want to walk where you walk, listen to you talk and spend my wake up moments with you. I got you and I’ll never intentionally do anything that will make me lose you. Good morning, honey.
  • Now that you’re here, let me share my wishes for you. That you enjoy the best every day brings, that your mornings will be very bright and the rest of the day brighter, and more. Good morning, baby.
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Best Good Morning My Wife Sms Messages

Best Good Morning My Wife Sms Messages. The best of good morning sms messages to send to your beautiful wife and make her feel specially loved by you.

  • The morning will come with much good for me and you and everyone around us will come to understand that we make our mornings perfect. Good morning, my heart.
  • I hope your night was pleasant. I pray that from your waking up to your laying down, you’ll experience bliss and that the foundation of your day will be bright. Good morning, darling.
  • Your presence is heavily craved, but wherever you are, I pray that your sun will rise from the east. You won’t meet problems. Good morning, dearie.
  • My special love for you is not tied to your physical beauty, but your awesomeness. You are worth all the love I can ever muster. Good morning, my darling.
  • If I were an atheist, I’ll doubt my stand, because you are someone that only a perfect God can create. You brighten up my mornings in a special way. Good morning, sweetheart.
  • I know how much you love me and care for me, and I appreciate you for that. Everything about you is lovely, to me, and I want to see the best of you. Good morning, darling.
  • You give me reasons to love you especially. I look around the world and no one my eyes can see interests me as much as you. Your loveliness is 100%. Good morning, baby.
  • You are the direct opposite of the worst form of trouble and then your name is an antonym of selfishness. You are as loved as you can imagine. Good morning, my heart.
  • As the sun shines bright, may it bring light into your life, and as it burns hot, may it burn all things that will fight against your having a productive day. Good morning to you, my baby.
  • In the morning, your lips taste like strawberry, your eyes are prettier than apples and your voice is perfect music. Good morning to you, my love.
  • No sunrise is as beautiful as your pretty face and no day is complete without you. You are the light of my day and the reason I want to wake from my dreams. Good morning, my sweetheart.
  • Every day is a good day to do something good. Today’s a good day to brighten up your day with a good morning message from the king of your heart. Good morning, love.
  • Like everything we know, something interesting can come from them. Unlike everything we know, only sweet things come from you. Good morning, my darling.
  • Counting time is what I do every morning because I don’t want the time to move on. I want to be with you every morning. Good morning, sweetheart.
  • If I have only 1000 mornings left, I want to see you in all. I don’t want to go 1 million mornings without seeing you in any. Good morning, sweetheart.
  • If I can do without you, then I guess God would not have created marriages. But I’m happy o got paired to the right person for me. Good morning, babe.
  • When I face situations, I remember that I have a strong woman behind me and that she’ll always be there for me, so I’m strengthened. Good morning to you, sweetheart.
  • From the ends of the earth to their opposite ends, there’s no person that is half of what you are to me. I give you my all. Good morning, my baby.
  • We can all do what we want, but I chose to love you madly. We all have free will, but I chose to be devoted to you. Good morning to you, my darling.
  • I can’t be comfortable when I’ve not shared a moment with you in a day. I love all the mornings spent with you and wish you have a long life to enjoy more mornings with me. Good morning, my sweetheart.

Good Morning Love Messages for My Wife

Good Morning Love Messages for My Wife. The best of sweet romantic good morning love messages to send to your lovely wife to make her feel loved. Awesome good moring love messages for your wofe to wake upto.

  • There’s a lot to gain from you being in my life. There’s a lot I enjoy when sharing moments with you. I thought you should know this. Good morning, my heart.
  • There’s no person that makes me feel loved as much as you do. Heaven is glad to bare witness to the love we share. Good morning, baby.
  • You treat me like a baby. So much care and special love. Truth is I’m not tired of it and I’ll never be. I love you too. Good morning to you, my darling.
  • Every morning I get to spend with you, I am as happy as David was when he was told to follow the people to the house of God. Good morning, sweetheart.
  • For as long as forever, you’ll be in my mind. As time progresses, I’ll never wish to have less of you. My mornings are better with you. Good morning, my love.
  • If there’s an award for the best wife every year, I’ll vote for you every year, not because you’re my wife, but because you’re the best wife. Good morning to the best wife.
  • Nothing I’ve had with you is normal and boring. With you, it’s all excitement on a whole different level. Good morning to you, my sweetheart.
  • I’m proud to say I need to keep in touch every morning because I’m proud of the right things. And that’s why I’m proud to say I love you. Good morning, my baby.
  • No matter how much I misbehave, you forgive me before you go to sleep. That’s why the first thing I want to do every morning is to greet you. Good morning to you, my heart.
  • You’re so lovely that I believe God wanted the best for me when he brought you my way. Now, I’m with you and life is sweeter. Good morning, my baby.
  • Time feels short like it always do when things are very exciting. You are the best person that ever happened to me and I think you should know that. Good morning, darling.
  • Just like heaven, you are perfect. You’re the best description of beauty and the best picture of excellence. Good morning, sweetheart.
  • If I’m to look at the best thing on earth forever, I’ll do it happily, because you are the best thing on earth. I love you. Good morning, my love.
  • We all have our flaws and pains, but with people like you in our lives, we know we have someone who completed us, who perfects us. Good morning, my darling.
  • Put you and me in a desert and give us time. The desert will turn into a forest, because, together, we do amazing things. Good morning, my heart.
  • When God breathed life into us, he breathed a part of me into you and a part of you into me. That’s why we are best together. Good morning, darling.
  • I know I found the best kind of love among humans today when I found you. You’re in God’s good plans for me. Good morning, my baby.
  • What love have I given out to deserve such great love from you? If you explain how this is a dream, I think I’ll believe you. Good morning, my wife.
  • I believe nothing is sweeter than love, and that’s why I think you’re the sweetest thing in my life. Good morning, my darling.
  • Regardless of what I think, you’re all I need in a human. Consider me insane if I think otherwise. Good morning to you, my love.