Funny Birthday Wishes: Your Birthday wish doesn’t have to be boring and conventional all the time. You can add some extra flavor of witty humor and mindless fun with your birthday wishes. Not only will they make your loved ones laugh but also make them see the funny side of you. So, why don’t you try to make your birthday wishes more interesting? All you have to do is sit back and look at what we have got here for you. Here is our unique collection of some hilarious birthday wishes. These funny birthday wishes are for your friends, brother, sister, family, relatives, and colleagues. Make them laugh on their special day!
Funny Birthday Wishes
There’s nothing to be worried about getting old. Look at you; you are old and still doing great. Happy Birthday dear oldy.
Congratulations on reaching a new level in the game called life. Have a fun birthday!
You have been alive for so many years, and all you have gained in life is a big fat belly. That’s a big achievement for the loser. Happy Birthday!

Everyone grows old but not everyone can grow wise. Please don’t be sad, my friend. Not everyone needs wisdom too. Happy Birthday!
Age is just a number, just like your salary. They keep increasing every year! So, why feel sad for one and happy for the other. Cheers to your birthday!
Hope you will not get sad over the number of candles on your cake. Many happy returns of the day, my love.
You are just as annoying as you were on day one. Stay the same and have a happy birthday!
Happy birthday, love. I thought of getting you the best present ever. Sadly, I’m too big to fit in the gift box.
You have officially gotten past the teenage years. It’s time to be mature and stop expecting birthday gifts from people. Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, don’t be sad. At least you are not as old as you are going to be the next year. Be happy thinking about that!
You have been here for a long time, perhaps since the age of the cave people. No wonder why you are so backdated. Happy Birthday!
It’s a very good day to identify all the liars around you. Don’t get fooled by the one that tells you are still young and beautiful. Happy Birthday
Whatever doesn’t kill you makes you older and uglier. Yes, that’s life, my dear. Don’t be fooled by the illusions. Happy Birthday!
You might be getting bigger, but sure as hell, your intelligence isn’t. Enjoy the birthday anyway.

There’s no shame in thinking like a teenage boy when you are old as the hills. Wishing you a Happy Birthday. May you live long!
A man is as big as his imagination and as old as his age. True for you. Happy Birthday. I’m glad that you still have your teeth.
Another birthday of yours! It seems almost as if you’ve been polluting earth since forever.
Please get a funfetti cake for your birthday. Since you are no fun, at least the cake should be.
Happy birthday. The older you’re getting, the more of a child you’re becoming. Grow up now, will you?
Happy birthday, dear. Smile! Because with your increasing age, your teeth might be gone sooner than you think.
I wish some people would stop wasting things. Just like you. You are wasting space on the earth and certainly wasting the time of others. Happy Birthday!
Funny Birthday Messages
Another delicious cake is going to be wasted today for the birthday of a useless person whose existence in this world makes no difference at all. Happy Birthday to that person!
Today, anyone not mentioning in their wishes that you have gotten old and ugly is a liar. Anyway, Happy Birthday dear, you are aging beautifully each year!
Even if I was smoking cracks, I would still see the sign of aging on your face. How could anyone not notice that? Happy Birthday dear but you have to accept the truth!

Have you ever thought what a stupid douchebag you were when we were kids? Guess what, you haven’t changed at all. Happy Birthday!
If you are good at something, don’t do it for free. And if you are good at nothing, just shut up and don’t ask for a gift. Happy Birthday!
A guy texts you on your phone, wishes you a Happy Birthday, and the next day, you think he’s gonna buy you some gifts? No, he is the one asking for a treat. Happy Birthday!
The saddest truth of life is that some people get older without being wiser. You remind me of those unfortunate people. Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to someone too sweeter than sugar and too spicy than Mexican chili.
Funny Birthday Wishes for Friends
Friends like you make me feel younger and more handsome. I wish you have two birthdays a year so you get older twice as fast as me. Happy Birthday!
Age is just a number, and so are restaurants bills! Happy birthday, do remember to buy me food!
A star was born on this day. I mean, you were too. But I’m referring to a celebrity.
The night is still young, but you, my friend, aren’t anymore. Let’s still party, though!
I’m pretty sure you are missing your childhood so much. That’s exactly what people do when they get old. Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday to one classy lady from another. Rock your birthday girl.
You’ll look great even when you have no teeth just like you are doing pretty well even without a brain. Happy Birthday my friend!
Some people are old, some are beautiful and some are both. You are not old enough to be called ‘old’ and certainly not good looking enough to be called ‘beautiful. Happy Birthday!
Funny Birthday Wishes for Brother
You can pretend to be old when you are dead. Till then, you are just a little kid who wants to grow up someday. Happy Birthday, baby brother!
Happy Birthday dear brother. I hope you will remain just as annoying as now even when you are 100 years old.
Happy Birthday to the boy who was found on the road and picked up by my parents. Wish you all the good things in life, brother!
This is the day you arrived to steal my share of mom and dad’s love. Happy birthday, brother.
The only good your birth has brought is your dumbness. It has been entertaining me for years!
You are the epitome of stupidity and a living legend for annoying people. Bad luck for me that you are my brother. Happy Birthday!
You know your life is a mess when your stupidity is increasing disproportionally to your age. That’s you brother. Happy Birthday!
Life can be so unfair at times. I don’t know what bad I did in life to deserve such an annoying brother like you. Happy Birthday!
Funny Birthday Wishes for Sister
I know you would have been so happy if I said, “you are aging so beautifully”. But sadly. Lying is not one of my good qualities. Happy Birthday!
Enjoy your birthday this year to the fullest because who knows, after a few years, you might feel ashamed of your true age. Happy Birthday!
Do you know why you are my favorite sister? Because you are dumb and you don’t even know it. Happy Birthday my dear!

Happy Birthday Sister. As a kid, you were a lioness. But with the rising age, you’re becoming a lazy cat.
Today’s the day mom found you in a dustbin. You’ve grown up, but the smell just won’t go away. Happy Birthday to mom’s second favorite child.
Birthday wishes nowadays are so full of lies. They may make you smile but the truth is you are not more beautiful than you were last year. Happy Birthday!
Do you know what amuses me the most? Seeing that you are unable to hide your age even with this heavy makeup. Happy Birthday, loser!
One more year has gone from your life and it seems like you are on a mission to be the fattest girl in the world. Good luck with that. Happy Birthday!
Funny Birthday Wishes for Him
Wish you many more years of tolerating my tantrums. Happy birthday, honey.
No matter how old you are, I will always give you the bigger share of the cake! Happy birthday to you, darling!
Happy birthday, baby. Don’t fear getting old; being with an enticing lady like me, your youth is going to last much longer than expected!
Happy birthday to you, love. To celebrate your increasing age, let’s increase your cash transaction too! Let’s go shopping.
The wrinkles on your face make me feel so relieved because you’ve got no options other than me anymore!
Funny Birthday Wishes for Her
No matter how much you mature, I’m always going to snuggle you like a baby. Happy birthday, my girl.
I thought of getting you as many flowers as your age, but we don’t have enough space to keep so many flowers at home.

I didn’t get you a birthday cake; because no cake can nearly be as sweet as you. Or maybe, I forgot to get one.
Wish you a happy birthday, my princess. May your weight be disproportionate to your age.
Happy birthday baby. I hope to see you wearing the outfit you were born in; someday soon!
Funny Birthday Messages for Colleagues
Happy birthday, my friend from work. Let’s keep making fun of the bosses behind their backs.
I have to appreciate the way you try to act like a young man. You must be having a busy time coloring your hair black every day. Happy Birthday!
Let’s have a night out in honor of your birthday. Let’s drink and party all night long. And of course, let’s not hope we end up at the hospital tomorrow. Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, workmate! Good going on your way to becoming the oldest man in the office.
Maybe use a portion of your this month’s salary to fill my stomach, please? Happy Birthday Colleague!
Age is just like a badge of honor. The older you are, the more respected you are in the office. Happy Birthday to you. Wish you all the best!
We decided to buy a bog, sweet birthday cake for you. Although we are not sure if you are allowed to eat cake at this age. Happy Birthday!
No one remains young forever. But you should have stayed young for at least a couple of years, at least for me. Happy Birthday!
Blessings and affectionate words on birthdays seem quite backdated nowadays. Those may be appropriate for people in general, but the closer ones deserve something exceptional. So this time, add the flavor of humor and greet your loved one with funny birthday wishes. It’s hard to find some really good, funny birthday wishes on the internet. All that you will find are some conventional birthday wishes that make no difference at all. Your loved ones have even more expectations from you. They want you to express your feelings for them differently. Funny birthday messages may seem insulting at times, but only your loved ones will understand the real fun of these wishes. Add some flavor of fun to your birthday wishes and see the difference by yourself. Send your chosen one to the birthday people or rewrite your own. This will surely make them roll with laughter on their special day.