In relationships, there are several love languages. The most effective that has never failed since the inception of time, is a declaration.
Relationships can be complicated and exhausting but we must remember how much love you have for each other and that will help you overcome any challenges.
This is why as ladies, it’s very important that we raise the bar by using every opportunity to reaffirm how much we love our boyfriends. We shouldn’t just always be at the receiving end. It’s time we started giving as much we get or even want to get.
Some unconventional ways we can do this is to post some sweet messages on your status or any social media platform. Feel free to flaunt the love of your life.
So in case, you’ve been wondering how to go about this, you’ve come to the right place. Below are 150 messages you can upload on your status for your boyfriend. Just to show how much you love them and that you are thinking of them.
We trust you’ll find these messages helpful. You can copy directly or use them as templates. You can also personalise to suit your taste.
Love is beautiful. Happy reading!
Sweet Romantic Status for Him
Make your Profile Status spice your relationship by Using these Sweet Romantic Status for your Boyfriend.
- My baby loves me….hallelujah. He says he loves me….hallelujah.
I love you too baby. You mean the world to me. - I feel something warm and sweet in my belly when I think of my boyfriend. I love you, my baby.
- There might be a billion other guys I’m the world, but the only one makes my heart race. He’s the best among equals. I love you, baby.
- The kind of love I have for you is like the ocean. It is so deep and wide. You are my everything baby.
- My baby always knows the right things to say and do to make my day. You are one of a kind, baby. I love you to the moon and back.
- My love story is all about you. You make everything beautiful for me. I’m so in love with you.
- His love for me is epic. My love for him is unconditional. My baby is the most amazing person on earth.
- Every day is an episode in our love story. You are everything a girl could ever ask for and more. I’m so honoured to be called your girlfriend.
- I woke up this morning thinking about you. There’s nothing like having a gentleman as your boyfriend. He will always make you feel loved and cherished.
- My baby is the true definition of a Romeo and a Hero. He is always there for me. I love you, baby.
Romantic Love Status for Boyfriend
Don’t hesitate to use these Romantic Love Status for Boyfriend.
- Shout out to the love of my life. My baby. My everything. You are always on my mind.
- My boyfriend is awesome. He is the Romeo and I’m the Juliet. Our love is epic.
- I’m here thinking about the one person that makes my heart skip a beat. My boyfriend. My everything.
- My heart will be forever yours my baby. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you
- If only you could count the stars in the sky, then you would be able to quantify my love for you baby.
- Fate has its way of bringing you wonderful propel when you least expect them. My boyfriend is a wonderful gift of nature.
- Everything is more beautiful when you are here. I miss my baby already.
- As long as I’m with you baby, my heart will always feel safe. I wouldn’t have it any other way.
- The sun, the moon and the skies. They all testify to my love for you baby. No one to compares you, my love.
- No man can hold a candle to my boyfriend. He is the total package.
- O I love how you call my name. I could forever listen to the melody of those words from your tongue. You complete me, baby.
- There’s always a spark in your eyes when you see me. I can’t help but smile at my good fortune. You are the best baby.
- My boyfriend is the most handsome man that has ever walked this earth. This is not up for debate.
- When I count my good fortunes in this life, I count you twice baby. I love you.
- Out of all the beautiful works of nature, you stand out unique in all that you are. Since you love me, love you too honey.
- I have met very few people who can be as selfless as my boyfriend. He is the perfect gentleman. I love you, baby.
- When I rate people, I compare them to you and they always fall short. You are an amazing person. I love you for all that you are and more.
- No matter the distance or time, you are always on my mind baby. I love you to the moon and back.
- How dull and lifeless everything seems when you’re not there. I can’t wait to be with you baby.
- You always know what to say and what to do, to make everything better. You are the best part of me I’m grateful for every day.
- I wish I could be with you all the time. Your presence is such a comfort to me. I love you, baby.
- There are boyfriends and there are boyfriends. But mine is the ideal standard of the definition of a real Boyfriend. I love you, baby.
- I’m forever your darling. I don’t care the whole world knows this. I love you, baby.
- Could you just pick the phone and let’s just whisper sweet nothings to each other. I just want to hear your voice baby.
- The efficacy of love is in companionship. Someone that’s is always there for you. Just like my boyfriend.
- You are the best decision I’ve ever made in my life. I love you more everyday baby.
- With each passing second, I long for you even more than the last. Come home baby. I miss you.
- No one can understand the kind of bond you share with the person you love. Because no one can understand why you love the way you do. It’s me and you baby.
- All through the years, I keep wondering what kept us together. But I’ve realised its the both of us. Two people that are determined to be together no matter what. I love you, baby.
- There are very people in your life you can be proud to flaunt. Those are the people you love and trust. Just Like my boyfriend. You’re the best baby.
- I don’t know what I did to deserve such an amazing guy like you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Love you so much, baby.
- He’s gorgeous. He’s sweet. He’s responsible. And he’s all mine. I love you, baby.
- You are my favourite song. I look at you and I’m filled with melodies. I love you, baby.
- When you’ve got something so precious, you guard it jealously. There’s no need to be jealous though when my baby can’t take his eyes off me. I love you too babe.
- Of everything I have, you are the most precious. I’m going to hold on to you forever. I love you, babe.
- You know those selfless people that always put others first. Well, my boyfriend is one of them. See why I love him so much?
- This is me just popping by to declare my love for this amazing guy that has never failed to show me off to the world. I love you too baby.
- You are my boyfriend. My heartbeat. My love. My life. I can do anything for you baby. I hope you know that.
- My love story is all about you. You are the love of my life. I wouldn’t want it any other way.
- Your acts of love for me always moves me to tears. I wonder how I got so lucky. I love you too baby. To the moon and back.
- In you, I’ve found a friend and a confidant. You are the love of my life and I’m not shy to say it to the world.
- I could run a thousand miles with you by my side. You make my dopamine level get so silly.
- Over time, you’ve proven to be the best guy I’ve ever known. I’m so proud to call you my boyfriend.
- This is me just taking some time out to appreciate my man. I love you, baby.
- I’ve got a lot of friends. Both guys and girls. But I’ve got only one boyfriend. And I love him so much.
- Hey babe, the love of your life says hi.
- I’m listening to your favourite song and it’s reminding me of you. I love you, baby.
- My boo has this way of smiling that melts my heart. I love you, babe.
- Shout out to the love of my life. You are the best, baby.
- Even though it’s not your birthday, I still want to celebrate you and tell you that I love you so much.
- To my Prince Charming, my knight in shining armour. I love you, baby. You’re the heart.
- Only you hold the key to my heart darling. Guard it jealously.
- I love you for everything that you are and more. You inspire me with your strength baby.
- We that power couple that everyone loves but pretend to hate. I’ll stand by your forever boo.
- Of all the gifts I’ve been given, you have got the best allure and I can’t stop unwrapping.
- You are so handsome, the whole world stops to stare at your gorgeousness. You’re my baby boo and I love you.
- You make my heart sing beautiful melodies when you are near. I can’t wait to be with you baby.
- This is not me bragging. This is me being happy. I’ve got the best boyfriend in the world.
- No one can stand up to my man. You can never even be compared to him in awesomeness. My boyfriend is amazing.
- I love you, babe. I just wanted to let you know.
- This is me letting it all out. I love you, darling. You are my Romeo.
- I remember the first day I saw you. I felt butterflies in my belly. I still feel them to this day even at the thought of you.
- You are always in my mind baby. Every second. Every minute. I love you to the moon.
- Nothing compares to the feeling I feel for you. You have made me love even when I thought I couldn’t.
- You stare at me like I’m the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. I look at you and I see the most amazing thing ever created.
- You are so amazing, baby. You make being perfect look so effortless. You are a gift to humanity.
- I’m so lucky to be loved by you. You are the definition of a good man.
- Of all the good things in the world, you always top the list. I love you, darling.
- You showed me how to love and you opened my heart. You are now my heart baby.
- You are so caring and loving. You take care of me without even letting me ask. I love you, baby.
- You always manage to surprise me by beating your last surprise. You raise the bar baby. I love you
- Over and over again, I will continue to declare my life for you. You are the best baby.
- You don’t even understand your own charm. Every part of you oozes sexuality. I love you, baby.
- You are all a girl could ever wish for. And you are all mine. You are the best boyfriend ever.
- You make me feel beautiful and cherished and loved. All at once. You are the love of my life, I hope you know that?
- You prioritise me above everything else. I love you all that you are baby.
- You are the last breed of the gentleman racer. A man that actually knows the worth of a woman. Oh, I love you so much, darling.
- You make all my trouble Ho away when you hold me. I love you so much, baby.
- Very few people know how to actually act like a boyfriend. You should be a tutor baby. You’re the best ever.
- There’s nothing like a man who is responsible and kind. You are the total package baby. I love you.
- My baby is the best. I wish I could scream that over the rooftops.
- You deserve all the goodness on the world baby. Because you are a good person, inside and out.
- How handsome my boyfriend is. Even when he frowns, he still makes my heart skip a beat.
- I feel so blessed to have such a great guy as my boyfriend. You make the wait worth it baby.
- You raise the bar for all other boyfriends. You know what to do with a lady’s heart.
- You call my name in the sweetest way. I love you, baby. You are the art of true love.
- You are in the business of making me feel happy. And you have never lost.
- Today I woke up thinking of you. Just like always.
- I loved you even before I met you. I’m going to love you forever baby.
- All these years have prepared is to meet each other. We didn’t make any mistakes before. We were just learning.
- You brighten up my day with text and emojis. No wonder you are in my mind all day. I love you so much, babe.
- When people ask why I’m glowing, I tell them it’s because I’m in a relationship with the most amazing guy in the world.
- The extent of love is how much you are willing to give up for the person. I will give all up for you babe.
- You make love and relationship all worth. I’m not scared because my heart is in the best of hands.
- Today is about my boyfriend. I just want to tell the whole world that he is the best! And I love him so much with all of my heart.
- This is me stepping out of my comfort zone to express my unconditional love for my boyfriend. He is a great person.
- Not everyone is lucky enough to meet the love of their life. I count my blessings that our paths crossed.
- There’s nothing like a man that knows how to love a woman. My boyfriend is the model of the perfect man.
- When a man loves you, I mean really love you, he can do anything for you. Just like my boyfriend can.
- I see true love when I look into your eyes. Our love is an epic baby. You are my one and only.
- My whole world revolves you. I love you and I’m so proud to tell the world.
- Very few people find true love. I mean real unconditional love. I’m so glad I found you, baby.
- You give the term “boyfriend” a new meaning. You love me even when I make it hard. You are there for me even I forget to call. You’re the best baby.
- Real men know how to spoil a woman. You always manage to surprise me, baby. Don’t stop loving me.
- You crept into my heart gradually to the point the became the air that I breathe. I love you so much, sweetheart.
- To my boyfriend, my one and only. I love you, baby. Just you. No one can replace you in my heart.
- I don’t want to be with anybody else. You fill my heart with so much love and sweetness. I love you, baby.
- To my dream man. My fairy tale comes to life. You make everything beautiful for me. I love you.
- Every day you love me better than the last. I wouldn’t trade you for anything in the world. You are my best fit. I love you, baby.
- I call you “my heart”. Because it has your name written all over it. I’m all your baby.
- To the most handsome guy, I know. I couldn’t help falling for you. I’m going to love you forever baby.
- The best way to live is to love. And love unconditionally. With abandon. Just like I love you, baby.
- Ever since we have been together, I now see things with more beauty an colour. You make me happy baby. I love you so much.
- Our love story puts even Romeo and Juliet to shame. You are like an aphrodisiac. I can’t get enough of this epic love.
- You make me feel beautiful. Like I could take on the world. You are my inspiration and motivation. My heart is forever your baby.
- Those little gestures of love you do say so much. You might not know it, but I think you are the best man that ever walked the earth. I love you, baby.
- I can’t wait to change the term “boyfriend” to “fiancé”. Ours will be “happy ever after” baby.
- No words are needed when I can see the depth of your love for me in your eyes. I want you to know that I love you more baby.
- You not only take care of me but a lot of other people. It shows that you’ve got such a big heart. I love you, baby. I’m always here to care take of you too.
- And when there’s nothing more to say, and we are grey and old, I’ll love you baby. I’ll always be here for you.
- I want to send a shout to the most amazing person I know. Do have a great day ahead. Your girlfriend loves you to the moon and back.
- No one can in the way of what I feel for you. Till the end of time, I will always love you, baby.
- Some people have searched the world to find something like what we have. Our love is a phenomenal baby.
- Your kind is so rare. You are selfless and so open. You are my best friend and boyfriend. I love you more baby.
- You are exceptional in everything you do. You step in and redefine the standard. I love you, baby.
- When others are sitting, you are standing. When they stand, you are outstanding. I love everything that you are baby.
- Your mind is quick and always alert. It’s no wonder, you’re so smart. I love you, baby.
- Shout out to the most dedicated man I know. You never give up on your dreams and goals. I’m so proud of you baby.
- Your success is imminent. You’ve got greatness in you. It’s inevitable. I love you, baby.
- Hey baby, the love of your life says hi. Remember to be the best of yourself today.
- I’m so proud of you baby. Your achievements speak of the how much work you put in. Keep on doing you, baby. I’ve got you.
- You are the one for me. I knew it since the first day I set my eyes on you. I love you, baby.
- My heart loves you even before my brain registered it. You mean everything to me, baby. I love you.
- There’s nothing like someone else that loves you for all that you are. That understands and really knows you. You are that and more to me. I will love you till the end of time.
- I love all your curves and all your edges. You are my heart. I will love you till we are grey and old.
- Even our silence communicates. You are always on my mind baby.
- Soulmates only come once in a lifetime. I’m so glad we found each other baby.
- We are on a journey towards forever. Every day has been beautiful. You make it happen, baby.
- I love you, baby. Sometimes I’ll get you angry or even annoy or frustrate you. Just remember that I will always love you, baby.