Best New Born Baby Messages from Parents to Friends

Little infants are blessing from God to humanity and the cry of a newborn baby bring about joy unspeakable.

And whenever our friends put to bed, it’s important to share in their happiness and joy as they welcome their newest and cutest family member.

Need to send topnotch new born baby wishes to your dearest friend?

Below are 2019 best new born baby messages from parents to friends.

New Born Baby Messages from Father and Mother to Friends

Cute New Born Baby Text Messages from Lovely Parent to their Friends.

  • Congrats on your new born baby! May this new baby be a source of blessing and happiness to the family.
  • What a great thing the Lord has done for you and your family, indeed we were and we will always be glad. Congratulations on your new baby.
  • It’s indeed a thing of joy and happiness, and it my prayer that your happiness will never know any bounds. Congratulations, my beautiful friend.
  • A new addition to your sweet family. I cherish you forever. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • Cheers to the best life ahead with your new baby. Congratulations, my dearest friend.
  • Wishing you the best of everything in life today and always. Congratulations on your new baby.
  • May your new life as one big happy family be filled with lots of love and happiness. Congratulations, my good friend.
  • I pray each and every day will be filled with lots of joy and great tidings for you and your family. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • Here’s wishing you and your new baby good health, peace of mind and unending joy. Congratulations, my sweet friend.
  • Cheers to the latest, sweetest, best and cutest parents in town. I love you so much. Congratulations!
  • May your home be filled with lots of happiness, love and peace. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • With the arrival of your baby, may happiness, joy, love and peace never cease in your home. Congratulations, my beautiful friend.
  • Wishing you and your new family all the happiness and joy in the world today and always. Congratulations on your newborn.
  • Cheers to a joyous and peaceful parenting. I love you tenderly. Congratulations to you, my dearest friend.
  • May the arrival of your new born baby fill your heart and home with so much happiness and love. Congratulations on your newborn baby.
  • May your home be filled with lots of great tidings as you welcome your new born baby. Congratulations!
  • It’s a great news to hear about the arrival of your new born baby. May happiness never cease in your home. Congratulations, my good friend.
  • I bless God for a safe delivery on behalf of you and may God continue to watch over you and your new born baby. Congratulations, my beautiful friend.
  • May you find fulfillment as you take up the mantle of parenthood today and always. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • Wishing you all the best today and all the days of your life. I cherish you always. Congratulations!
  • Congratulations to you, my best friend on the arrival of your new born baby. May your home be filled with lots of love.
  • I’m very excited to hear about your safe delivery and may God continue to keep you and your new born baby safe. Congratulations, my good friend.
  • Hello to the newest and cutest mommy and daddy. Congratulations on your new born baby. I love you more.
  • My best wishes for you today and always. Congratulations on your new born baby, my dearest friend.
  • Cheers to you and your new born baby. May good things never cease in your family. Congratulations!
  • May this new phase of life brings you fulfillment, happiness and joy. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • Congratulations on your safe delivery and may your family be filled with lots of happiness and joy. Congratulations!
  • Wishing you all the best things in life with the arrival of your new born baby. Congratulations, my beautiful friend.
  • May this new phase of life be filled with boundless love and unending happiness. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • This is indeed a great news. I’m happy to hear of your safe delivery and may God watch over you and your family. Congratulations!
  • May your find parenthood as something great to ever happen to you. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • I wish you all the very best as you welcome your new born baby. Congratulations, my good friend.
  • May this moment be the beginning of greater things to come. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • May your new role as parents bring you so much happiness and joy. Congratulations, my darling friend.
  • Congratulations on the safe delivery of your new born baby and may God continue to bless and keep you.
  • May the arrival of your new born baby bring about joyous and grandeur moments. Congratulations, my beautiful friend.
  • I’m really excited about the news of the safe arrival of your baby. May parenthood be a thing of joy for you. Congratulations!
  • Congratulations on your new baby, my dearest friend. May your home be filled with lots of love and peace.
  • Congratulations on the safe delivery of your new baby. May God continue to watch over you and your family.
  • I’m happy to hear about the safe arrival of your new baby. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help, okay? Congratulations!
  • As you embark on this new phase, may you be filled with lots of love, laughter and joy with the arrival of your new baby. Congratulations, my best friend.
  • Wishing you and your new family all the joy and happiness in the world. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • May your newborn baby bring so much happiness and joy to the family. Congratulations, my good friend.
  • I’m glad to hear about the safe arrival of the newest and cutest member of the family. Congratulations!
  • I bless God on your behalf for a safe and sound delivery of your new baby. Congratulations, my beautiful friend.
  • As you begin this new phase of life, may you be blessed beyond your expectations. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • May you today and always find so much happiness as you begin this new phase of life. Congratulations, my dearest friend.
  • Congratulations on the safe arrival of your new born baby. I cherish you forever.
  • Wishing you so much love, peace and joy with the arrival of your newest, sweetest and cutest family member. Congratulations, my friend.
  • May your find parenthood so exciting and may each moment bring you lots of happiness. Congratulations!
  • I pray you have a wonderful, joyous and fabulous experience on your new role as parents. Congratulations, my lovely friend.
  • Congratulations on your new born baby and the newest member of the family. I love you dearly.
  • May you cherish this beautiful moment all the days of your life. Congratulations on your new baby.
  • I wish you all the joy in the world today and always. Congratulations to you, my beautiful friend.
  • I pray you will always cherish every moment with your new born baby. I love you tenderly. Congratulations!
  • Wishing you and your new phase of life all the joy, peace and happiness in the world. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • May this wonderful time bring you lots of grandeur moments filled with joy and happiness. Congratulations, my good friend.
  • If you need any help, call on me and I’d be glad to be of help to you. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • May God that bless you with the gift of a newborn baby continue to watch over you and your family. Congratulations, my best friend.
  • Cheers to new responsibilities filled with lots of happiness and exciting moments. I love you forever. Congratulations!
  • God has really been so good to you and your family. Congratulations on the safe and sound arrival of your new baby.
  • You’re indeed blessed with the arrival of your new baby, but your baby is so much more blessed to have amazing parents. Congratulations!
  • I’m so happy to hear about the wonderful news on the arrival of the newest member of the family. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • May your newborn baby brings about wonderful, beautiful and amazing moments in your home. Congratulations, my beautiful friend.
  • Wishing you a lifetime of unending love, joy and happiness with the arrival of your new born baby. Congratulations!
  • With the arrival of your new baby, may your home be filled with a happiness that will never know any boundary. Congratulations, my dearest friend.
  • May your new role as parents bring about joy and happiness in your heart and home. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • Congratulations on your newest, cutest and sweetest member of your family. I love you more.
  • With the arrival of your new baby, may you never know any sorrow, pain and sadness. Congratulations to you, my good friend.
  • May God continue to bless you with all that you need to be amazing parents to your new born baby. Congratulations!
  • I know you both are going to be amazing and wonderful parents. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • I pray for good health of mind and body to you and your new born baby. Congratulations, my dearest friend.
  • Make sure you enjoy every minute as you watch your little infant grow up with each passing day. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • I want you to know that I will always be here if you need anything; babysitting wouldn’t be a bad idea. Congratulations, my beautiful friend.
  • As you add to the members of your family, may goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life. Congratulations!
  • Wishing you continued favour, peace, love and happiness as you welcome your new born baby. Congratulations, my lovely friend.
  • With the arrival of your new baby, I know your life will change for the better and may your home be filled with lots of love. Congratulations!
  • Thank God for a safe and happy delivery. May the joy that comes with the arrival of your new baby never know any boundaries. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • May the good Lord who has blessed you with your new baby give you the grace to be the best parents ever. Congratulations, my dearest friend.
  • There’s nothing as beautiful as having someone to care for and love with all your heart. I cherish you always. Congratulations!
  • New born baby, new experiences and new possibilities. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • Congratulations on your new baby. May the arrival of your new born baby bring so much joy and happiness to your heart and home.
  • May the arrival of your new born baby come with so much great tidings and boundless happiness. Congratulations!
  • Your new born baby will be proud to have you both as parents. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • I’m happy for you and your new born baby is so lucky to have a caring mother and loving father as parents. Congratulations!
  • Cheers to a new phase of life with a new bundle of happiness and joy. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • Wishing you and your entire family a lifetime of boundless happiness, good health, love, peace and joy. Congratulations, my dearest friend.
  • Best wishes to you and a warm welcome of the newest family member. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • May the arrival of your new born baby welcome so much happiness to your heart and home. Congratulations to you, my best friend.
  • It awesome as you welcome your newest family member and may your happiness never know any boundaries. Congratulations!
  • May you always find unending happiness and joy in the company of your new born baby. Congratulations to you, my beautiful friend.
  • I wish you a perfect home filled with boundless love, joy and happiness as you welcome your new born baby. Congratulations!
  • May this new arrival bring you lots of exciting moments and good fortune. Congratulations on your new born baby.
  • May the arrival of your new baby open doors to great tidings, good fortune and unending happiness. Congratulations, my good friend.
  • I’ve very excited as you welcome your new born baby. Congratulations to you, my dearest friend.
  • My heartfelt wishes to you as you welcome your new born baby and may your home be filled with laughter. Congratulations!
  • May your new born baby come bearing gifts of unending love, peace, happiness and joy. Congratulations to you, my best friend.
  • Happy safe and sound delivery of your new born baby. May your joy never know any boundaries. Congratulations!
  • On this special day, may your home and heart be filled with bundle of joy and happiness. Congratulations to you, my beautiful friend.
  • May the arrival of your new born baby be the start of new experiences, new possibilities and may your home be filled with abundance of happiness, peace and love. Congratulations!
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