We know you will love him or her forever and always, but have you told him or her? Do you even know how to go about it? Do you need our help? Yes?
This collection of the best I will love you forever and always quotes was created to help you express yourself. You will do yourself a big favour when you select from it to use.
You are just a copy and paste away from having the perfect quote. Enjoy them and thank us later.
I Will Love You Until the End of Time Quotes
Take a step further to express how timeless your love for your partner is. To tell him or her that, “I will love you until the end of time”, use these I will love you forever and always quotes for boyfriend or girlfriend, husband or wife. And if you love them? Share them.
- Hey, honey. I just discovered that loving you has given me some special blessings, and I’m thankful to God that he ever gave me a chance to love you. I will love you forever.
- I have loved a lot of people but have never loved anyone the way I love you. If I could describe how I love you, then I would do so in this quote. I will love you until the day after forever.
- If I’m asked to take one thing I met on earth and leave to another planet, I don’t know if I’ll take you, because I don’t know if that planet supports life like earth. But I know that if I take you I’ll be fine because you are life support to me. I love you till my last breath.
- The hardest of earthquakes can’t even begin the process of shaking the love I have for you. Even if they soak my love for you in the depths of the ocean, it won’t soften one bit. I love you and I know you know it.
- Nothing we have in this world is as precious as the life we share and knowing this gives me bright days, sweet nights and endless joy and peace. I love you forever.
- You are the best person to ever happen to me, and I won’t ever sacrifice you for another. My love for you keeps growing like a fertile tree and I love it. I love you till my last breath.
- Sometimes, I feel horrible. Then I remember that you are in my life and I feel hope, and sometimes happiness. I love you forever, honey.
- Sometimes, I wonder if I can ever show you how much I love you. My only consolation comes from the fact that we can’t always prove everything and that God knows how much I love you. I love you until the day after forever.
- When I think of how far I’ve come in life, all my struggles and efforts to bring the best I can bring to myself and those around me, and I think of how awesome you are, I like to see it as you being the perfect reward for all my good efforts. Thanks to you for being in my life. I love you madly.
- I don’t think you’re ready to prove how much you love me, because I know how much you do. Proving it will bring an end to you having a life outside of me. I love you forever, babe.
- Nothing about you have turned me off yet. I’m attracted to you physically, sexually and in every way. I want you to own me. I love you so much, darling.
- I love you, and nothing can change that. Not even the fact that there are over a billion unmarried girls on earth. Enjoy my love. I love you until my last breath and even after.
- Long live the love I have for you. Sometimes, I wonder how life would be without love, but I remember that that would mean I won’t love you, then I banish the thought. I love you and can’t even explain how.
- If I say you’re the best, I’m not trying to exaggerate or overstate what you are. Because you are the best and nothing can change that. I love you forever, honey.
- I will love you forever. Remember when I first said that? Look at us today. I still love you and don’t plan on changing that sentence, I will love you forever. Much love, dearie.
- No day goes by without finding myself thinking about you. Once, I got scared that I’ll think of only you all day long until I lose my job. I love you so much, love.
- Here, now, I come to remind you that you are not just the love of my life, but that I am the love of yours. Now, I can sleep properly. I love you so much and so will I for life.
- If there is love in death, I’m quite sure I’ll want to stick with you again in the afterlife. Thanks for being the love of my life. I love you until the day after eternity.
- I blame God for creating a love so powerful that I can have for only you. Now, I look at you and everyone feels like second place. I love you so much and forever, dearie.
- Governments will change, seasons will come and go, humans will be born and will die. But the love I have for you only increases. Never to decrease. I love you so much till eternity.
- Life will treat you well for me, and eternity will keep you awesome for me because I think that’s what’s needed for you to appreciate my love best. I love you till the end of the world and in heaven.
- There are a lot of things I started and couldn’t finish, and loving you is not one of them. I will love you forever and always, my dear.
- What I was looking for was someone to love and be loved by, and not only did I find that in you, I also found someone that’s the best for me. I love you and will always do.
- I realise daily how my love for you increases and how my life would be less of what it is without you. I realise that I don’t want to have a life without you in it. I realise that my love for you will last forever. I will love you forever.
- I used to think that my love for you was linked to my beating heart, that I will only stop loving you when my heart stops beating. I was so wrong. I will love you forever and ever.
- One thing that makes me know that I cannot leave you is the way you have loved me. I commit to loving you like no other person exists from now till forever and beyond still, my love.
- I Googled and read a bunch of quotes to remind myself that I will love you forever. I found the perfect one for you, and this is it. I love you now and always.
- Offer me riches, honour, fame and many things I want and watch me make you the reason for my choice. I love you till my very last breath.
- Will I love you for life? Yes. What of in eternity? Yes! Good enough, both of us believe there’s an eternity after death. I will love you for the rest of my days, even the days in eternity.
- We may not have stayed together for twenty years, but one thing I can’t deny is the awesomeness of the experience I’ve had with you, and my decision to love you forever cannot be changed. I love you.
- Now, I know for sure that I am not lying to myself when I say that I will love you till the end of time. You are worth this love and more. I love you forever.
- Quotes I’ve heard are not enough to express how much, how intense I love you. I think all I can say is this: I will love you forever and nothing can change that.
- I once tried to tell a child how much I love you and his eyes brightened up so much that I believed I love you the right way. This is how I want to love you forever. And I will love you until there’s nothing like love.
- One day, I’ll use only one word to tell you how much I love you. I’ll use the word when it had finally been formed. I love you forever, my heart.
- A lover like you is surely worth more than two hundred other lovers. A lover like you is worth more than the universe. I love you now and forever.
- I hope life treats you kind and you have all you dream of, including the intensity of love you want from me. I am ready to love you forever and ever.
- Throwing a ring on your finger may just be a ritual, but I only did that when I was sure you are the one I want to spend the rest of my life with, loving you. I love you now and forever.
- You are the best thing to happen to me. I’m here to confess that again and will keep confessing it forever, because I will be with you forever, loving you. I love you forever.
- I promise to stop loving you when I no longer exist in any form or realm. And I promise to keep this promise. I will love you even after nothing exists anymore.
- I don’t know the purpose of saying this because you already know that I love you and that I will love you forever. But I will just say it anyway: I will love you until the day after forever.
- The good thing about me and you is that we will never fall out of love with ourselves. Don’t ask me how I know but I’ll never stop loving you. I love you forever.
- One day, you’ll come to learn that we never deceived ourselves when we said we will love ourselves forever. I’ll love you and never stop.
- I know you love me, but today, let me talk about my love for you, how it burns like a furnace, how it is so large that it suffocates evil out of me, how it is pure, and how it will last forever. I love you until I leave earth.
- We have more than forever to love ourselves, but that doesn’t mean we will slow down on loving the hell out of ourselves while on earth. I love you forever, honey.
- Tell me who in eternity can bring an end to the love we share when Hod, you and I have decided that you and I will stay together till the end of the end. I love you until my spirit ceases to exist.
- Maybe saying I love you forever is a horrible joke, maybe it shouldn’t qualify as a joke because of how serious it is. I love you madly and nothing will change it.
- Yesterday had its issues, today has been quite rough, and every day will come with its challenges, but I have loved, am loving and will love you through it all, and that’s a plus for me because loving you have seen, is seeing and will see me through it all. I love you forever, honey.
- I can’t tell you that I will love you forever with a straight face, not because I’ll be lying, but because I am so excited about it that I can’t keep a straight face. I love you from now till forever.
- Loving you have been an exciting and profitable ride and I’m excited about it because it means that I’ll enjoy profits forever. Yes! I plan to love you forever. I love you.
- You’re not like the best human I’ve ever had. You’re the best human. Plus you’re so amazing that I wonder what I’ll be without you in my life. I love you, baby, now and forever.
- The same way I looked at you yesterday before I muttered I love you is the same way I did today will muttering I love you. And if anything changes about the way I look at you, it will be me seeing you in a better light. I’ll love you forever.
- Whenever I see you, there is a glow in my eyes that I haven’t gotten from seeing another human. Call me selfish, but, for this alone, I want to stay with you forever. I love you until we no longer exist.
- Your beauty is not in the eyes of the beholder. It is fixed, no matter the beholder. One reason I love you us because of who you are, and who you are is the reason I will always love you.
- Though we will die one day, may our love for ourselves not messed with. I loved you yesterday, I love you today, and I will love you forever.
- They say everything changes, but we’ve proven them wrong, proven that some things don’t change. I will always look them in the eye and tell them that one of these things that don’t change is my love for you. I love you and will still love you forever.
- I’m scared that it’s possible that half of the world does not enjoy the kind of love we share. If that’s already happening, then it’s sad and painful. I will love you, babe, forever.
- I will always love you. I can’t explain how I will, but I know it will happen. So can we take our minds of “love” and talk about food for a minute?
- Thanks for being male. Thanks for being slim. Thanks for being tall. Thanks for being dark-skinned. Thanks for being everything I want. And even if you stop being slim, tall or dark-skinned, I’ll still love you. I will love you until there’s nothing called love.
- I have heard stories of how people started and ended, but I still have no fear. I am sure we will be together forever. I will love you always.
- From my end, I’ll love you madly, I will love you completely, I will love you foolishly, and I will love you forever. I know you’ll do the same too.
- Everything that exists, from the flying birds to the swimming fishes, to the marching dogs, to the crawling snakes, to all living things, to all inanimate objects, will come to know that I love you, and that’s when I’ll stop loving you. I love you and that’s not just for today.
- If tomorrow, you wake up to me telling you how much I love you and that I will love you forever, then my tomorrow will be made. I will love you until my last breath.
- If you find me dancing on the road like a mad man, don’t join others to label me mad. Understand that I’m just excited over the fact that you’ll love me forever. And I will always love you too.
- Because I want you to read this, and it comes from me and goes to you, it is the best among love quotes ever. I will love you forever and always, dearie.
- I hope that your night was filled with all the glories of the heavens and the earth, and I hope you dreamed of the most beautiful things. I also hope you don’t mind this reminder that I will always love you.
- I decided to play a game, so I listed the reasons why I should let you go and reasons why I should hold you forever. The later was so long that the former wasn’t visible on the list. I love you, and will always do.
- Anyone that wants to describe our love with some mockery is free to do so. What they may know or never know is that we share the best of love ever known between a couple. I will love you always, darling.
- We’ve been together for just three years and my life is already what it is. I wonder how it will be if I had spent my whole life so far with you, maybe been your brother. Well, I have a chance to be with you forever, and I’ll be here always, loving you.
- “Living the life” is not having a million dollar in the account or driving a sport car or living in a super expensive house or drinking at a popular spot every night. “Living the life” is having you as a partner. I will love you forever, dear.
- Looking at you, I’m not only proud of all the amazing things you’ve don’t for yourself. I’m also proud that you are a part of me. I love you so much, honey, and will always love you.
- Yeah, babe. Get ready to hear me call you that for life because I will always love you. Have a nice forever. Lol.
- My favourite person, I want to walk up to you everyday, in the most romantic way I can and plant a kiss on you and remind you that I will love you always.
- Years have gone by, proving my “I will always love you right”. More will go by and still prove it right. I love you and will never stop.
- Good things last forever. And that’s how I know that you will be here to enjoy my love forever. I love you, now, but what I want you to know now is that I will always love you.
- This may sound like me trying hard to show how much I love you, but even when we both leave earth, I’ll still love you. I will love you forever, dear.
- More than Mandela loved freedom, I love you. Now, this love is here to stay and won’t go away, not soon, not ever. I will only stop loving you when time stops moving.
- How great is the love I have for you? Only the love God has for us can beat it. Before I only boast about how much I love you, you should know that I will love you forever.
- The way you love me has held me down that I can’t dream of not loving you. And apart from that, I still love you madly. I am ready to love you with all my life and forever.
- I asked God if my loving him will ever mean I’m not loving you. God told me that loving him is loving you. You know how long I will love God, so you know that I will love you forever.
- One thing that can’t be taken from me is my love for you. I dare even you to try to take it from me. But, be warned, you will fail like an exam with questions alien to you. I will love you until I’m no more, baby.
- I can’t change my mind about you. It’s too late. It’s already made up. I will love you forever and ever and ever. Love, me.
- Good things come to good people too. Good people: me and you. A good thing: love that lasts forever. I will love you always, honey.
- Forever is too short a time for the love we share to die. And I’ll love you till this love dies. I love you, darling.
- Will it be alright if I boast daily of how long our love will last? Will it be alright to brag about the love that will live the longest — our love? I will love you forever, boo.
- I have specs for the person that I will love forever and you meet all those specs. All I needed was you. Now I have you. I will love you forever and always.
- The thing is that even when days get darker when winds blow stronger when rain falls heavier, I’ll hold you tight and close. I will love you forever and always.
- I don’t know what to say apart from I love you. I have no requests, no questions, no complains. Let me also add that o will love you without end, without ceasing. Love.
- Even if I find a love like yours, I’ll remain attached to you because you are the one I want. I will love you from now till forever.
- If I ever find a love like yours, I’ll tell you. This is me also saying you shouldn’t expect to hear from me on finding a love like yours because I’ll never find it. I will love you forever.
- The good thing about us is that we are perfect for ourselves and we have realised that. I know love will never stop flowing to me from your end and I hope you know that love will never stop flowing to you from me. I will always love you.
- We know that not everything dies, and one of them is my love for you. I will always love you — always.
- Great things happen daily, so I don’t think it should be hard to believe that I will love forever. I will always love you, dearie.
- You’re the best thing to happen to earth. If any one doubts, let him come to me for proof. Maybe that’s why I will always love you, maybe not, but I will love you forever.
- If I ever get a chance to give your place to someone else, I’ll use it to prove that I want you to be with me forever — I’ll reject it. I will love you always.
- I want to fight for you, hold you, be with you, and love you until there’s no more chance to. I want to love you for life, and forever, and I will.
- Is it possible that there’s no forever with you? That after this life, I can’t love you again? Now that will be a heartbreaking discovery. I will love you for forever.
- Now is the right time to remind you that I’ll always be here for you, loving you, forever. I will always love you.
- If you can’t wait for me to stop loving you, then just wait a little for eternity to finish. After then, I promise I’ll stop loving you. I will love you until the day after forever.
- If you don’t see me loving you forever, I’ll just assume that it’s blurry for now. But it’s sure and that’s what I will do. I love you forever.
- I don’t know what to call us — friends? siblings? partners? But I know one of the features of what we are is that I will love you forever. I love you madly and forever.
There you have it. Our list, best I will love you forever and always quotes. We know you love it. Can you tell us your favourite?