Birthday Wishes for Fiance : Oh! it’s you fiance birthday and you want to write a romantic message on a cute birthday card for your fiance. Really it’s a matter of happiness that before your wedding both of you got a chance to celebrate. We feel cool to share with you such kind of birthday messages on this post offering a great collection of best happy birthday wishes for fiance. Wish your fiance on his happy birthday by posting birthday wishes on his Facebook timeline or by sending a private message. These birthday wishes and messages for fiance will express your affection towards your fiance that how much you love him and how lucky you feel to have him as your to-be-husband.

Best Birthday Wishes For Fiance From The Perfect Soul Mate.
Here stated every birthday wishes for fiance will make the way easy to say that his birthday is a very special day for you and this wording are special for the perfect soul mate. Hope you can find the best one to share with your fiance on his birthday.
I am so emotional and teary today because if you weren’t born on this day, I would have never found my perfect soul mate and my fiance. Happy birthday to my man.
Engaged or not, your birthday has always been a reason for me to be thankful because it is the day on which the man of my dreams was born.
Today is the first time I am using the word Fiance to wish you a happy birthday on Facebook and Twitter.
As your fiance, I have not only promised to marry you but also to celebrate each and every moment of your life – starting from this birthday.
The best feeling in the world is knowing that I have you to come back to. Happy birthday.
Even if we weren’t ready to marry, the man of my dreams you’d still be. Happy birthday.

Until we get married and are officially allowed to forget each others’ birthdays, here’s wishing you a very happy one. I love you.
Happy birthday to the man who has fulfilled all the wishes and dreams which I’ve had since I was a little girl.
I will be upset if you have a birthday wish. After getting such a beautiful and sexy fiancée like me, What more could you ask for?
I will remember this birthday forever because it is our first celebration as an officially engaged couple. I love you, happy birthday.
You are an awesome FIANCE because you are Flirty Impressive Amazing Naughty Charming and Enticing. Happy birthday.
Our wedding wows will be sealed on a piece of paper, but the promises we’ve made to each other have already been sealed in my heart. Happy birthday.

Here’s a toast to us love birds… forever entangled in love’s blissful nest. Happy birthday.
Our love is like a souffle. Warm, fluffy, irresistible and delicious to the core. Happy birthday.
A stunning pair we are, you and me. Arm in arm for the rest of our lives, we will be. Happy birthday.
My toast for your birthday is quite simple. I’m thankful for best gift I’ve received in my life so far your LOVE. Happy birthday.
Ever since the day I became your fiance, everything in life seems perfect to me.

I’ll never be able to repay Destiny’s debt even if I spend my whole life thanking it for bringing us together. Happy birthday.
May we celebrate many more birthdays together, may we remain one forever. Happy birthday.
Since we are both starting a brand new life together, technically this should your first birthday. So happy 1st birthday!
From crush to fiance, I knew you’d forever make me yours one day. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to the man who has promised to make my world go round for the rest of my life. Happy birthday.

You’re not just my future husband, but the husband who’ll make my future perfect. Happy birthday.
The grand celebration of your birthday will continue for the rest of your life. Because you will soon be my husband and I, your wife. Happy birthday.
A sweet gift, beautiful wish or a cute card is not enough to wish you happy birthday – you deserve a lifetime of happiness. Happy birthday.
Because we are on our way to getting married, I am sure that this year in your life is going to bring you happiness beyond your expectations. Happy birthday.
Fiance or not, ever since day one I’ve always loved you a lot. Happy birthday.
This birthday is just the prelude of all the awesome celebrations our life is going to be full of.

Happy birthday to my fiance, my husband-to-be, and the man who means everything to me.
When you were my boyfriend, I always wished that you could spend your birthday with me. Now that you are my fiance, my entire family wishes that you could spend your birthday with them. Happy birthday.
I wanted your birthday celebration to be just like you. So I arranged for a SWEET cake, ROMANTIC background music, CUTE balloons, the BEST gift and a HANDSOME birthday boy which is you. I love you.
A romantic birthday kiss for the most romantic man there ever was. A sweet birthday cake for the sweetest guy I’ve known. A cute greeting for the cutest hunk there is and the best gift for the best-est fiance there can ever be. Happy birthday.
This is your first birthday as my fiance so I will be able to kiss you when you cut your cake in front of all our friends and families, without feeling awkward. Happy birthday sweetheart.
Wishing you a happy birthday for the first time as your fiance, reminds me of the time when I wished you happy birthday for the first time as your girlfriend. Let’s make this one of the most romantic birthday celebrations ever.

If the period between engagement and marriage is supposed to be the best time of a couple’s life, this birthday of yours will technically the best one you’ve ever celebrated. Happy birthday.
Even before we solemnize our wows on the day of our wedding, I know that my life is going to be absolutely stunning because the man in my life is caring and loving. Happy birthday.
Happy birthday to the man who I am going to marry. Happy birthday to the man who will be the father of my kids. Happy birthday to the man who will be son-in-law to my parents. Happy birthday to the only man in my life.
Our journey so far, has been an amazing ride. The best part is that you and me, have been side by side. Being together gives me, life’s best views. Even if I were born again, I’d hook up with no one but you. Happy birthday.
On the day you knelt on one knee and asked me to be your fiancée, you made me the happiest girl in the whole world. Not tell me birthday boy, what can I do to make you the happiest guy in the whole world?
It was very hard, to pen down my thoughts. I didn’t know how to say, that I love you lots. But finally I got myself to, express how much I love you. Baby this is just a prelude of an eternal saga, of me showing how over you, I’ve gone gaga. Happy birthday.
We hope these birthday wishes for fiance will exceed your expectations and wish you to enjoy this year more cause you will be looking back fondly when it will be a memory.